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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung
Concept con-TEN-FLEX.1990$

Tenacious Goal Pursuit and Flexible Goal Adjustment (TEN/FLEX) 


Tenacious Goal Pursuit and Flexible Goal Adjustment (TEN/FLEX) 
Brandtstädter, Jochen;
Renner, Gerolf
Citation Hint:

Brandtstädter, J. & Renner, G. (1990). Tenacious Goal Pursuit and Flexible Goal Adjustment: Explication and Age-Related Analysis of Assimilative and Accommodative Strategies of Coping. Psychology and Aging, 5(1), 58-67.

Original Languages of this Concept:


Crises and critical life transitions activate 2 distinct but complementary modes of coping (a) transforming developmental circumstances in accordance with personal preferences (assimilative tendency) and (b) adjusting personal preferences to situational constraints (accommodative tendency). Assimilative and accommodative tendencies were measured by a questionnaire comprising 2 independent scales: Tenacious Goal Pursuit and Flexible Goal Adjustment.

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