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Data Package becobe

Studying under COVID19 in Berlin 


German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Sponsored by:
  • Berlin Senate
Project Contributors:
Lörz, Markus;
Zimmer, Lena Maria;
Becker, Karsten;
Ehrhardt, Marie-Christin;
Naumann, Heike;
Schirmer, Hendrik;
Willige, Janka
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data available in:
Data Curation:
Daniel, Andreas
1.0.0 (published at Dec 31, 2020)

Data Package Description

The survey "Studying under COVID19 in Berlin" examines the various effects of the corona pandemic on students at state universities in Berlin and takes a close look at the special features, challenges and opportunities of the 2020 summer semester. The aim of the study is to gain a comprehensive impression of the situation of students at state universities in Berlin during this unusual semester. What challenges are the students facing? What is their employment and financial situation like? And to what extent is it possible to study successfully under the given circumstances? These and many other questions are the guiding principles of this study.
In order to gain a realistic picture of the situation of students at state universities in Berlin, approximately 12,000 students from 11 state universities in Berlin were surveyed. The results of the survey are relevant to numerous measures in the fields of higher education, education and social policy and should enable research to examine various questions arising in the course of the corona pandemic.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Studienübersicht  Study Overview  German link_off Becobe_Overview_de.pdf
Study Overview  Study_Overview_eng  English link_off Becobe_Overview_en.pdf
Zitationsanleitung  Citation Guideline  German link_off becobe_CitationGuideline_de_en.pdf
Release Notes - Studying under COVID19 in Berlin  Release Notes for Studying under COVID19 in Berlin  English link_off


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Variable Questionnaire  Becobe_Variable_Questionnaire  German  link_off becobe_Variablenfragebogen_dt.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Becobe_Variable_Questionnaire_eng  English  link_off becobe_Variablenfragebogen_eng.pdf
Other  Becobe_flow_chart  German  link_off Ablaufplan.png

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Surveys (1) Instruments Questions Data Sets Variables Publications Concepts
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Quantitative Data, Standardised online survey 
Population: Students at all of Berlin's state universities. 
Sampling Procedure: Probability Sample 
Field Period: Jun 15, 2020 - Aug 10, 2020
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