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Data Package gif2008


German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Sponsored by:
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project Contributors:
MIddendorff, Elke;
Isserstedt, Wolfgang;
Kandulla, Maren
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data available in:
Data Curation:
Middendorff, Elke
1.0.0 (published at Apr 13, 2023)

Full online survey of all recipients of funding from the eleven organizations for the promotion of gifted students in 2008

Data Package Description

The data set contains the information provided by the participants in the online survey, which was conducted in October/November 2008 among all grantees of the eleven organizations for the promotion of the gifted. Different instruments were used for recipients of study grants and recipients of doctoral grants. The data from both sub-surveys were cumulated into one data set. The data set contains 9,540 cases, including 7,947 participants with a study sponsorship and 1,593 with a doctoral sponsorship. The survey covered the following topics: Study and doctoral sponsorship, educational origin, migration, sociodemographic characteristics, university access, study/doctoral characteristics, income, employment, and study-related mobility. To enable comparability of the findings with the population of all students, the questionnaire was methodologically closely aligned with the 18th Social Survey, which had been conducted in 2006.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Daten- und Methodenbericht des Datenpakets "Das soziale Profil in der Begabtenförderung"  The report includes data usage notes and further information on the data package.  German link_off gif2008_MethodReport.pdf
Das soziale Profil in der Begabtenförderung. Übersicht zur Befragung der Geförderten 2008  Overview to the Survey of Scholarship holder in 2008  German link_off gif2008_Overview_de.pdf
The Social Profile in the Scholarship System. Overview to the Survey of Scholarship holder in 2008  Overview to the Survey of Scholarship holder in 2008  English link_off gif2008_Overview_en.pdf
Bundesland und Region des Studiums. Codierliste für Bundesland und Region des Studiums  Coding list for federal state and region of study/doctorate  German link_off cl-dzhw-69.xlsx
Fächer und Fächergruppen. Codierliste für Studienfächer und Fächergruppen gemäß der amtlichen Statistik  Coding list for subjects and subject groups according to official statistics  German link_off cl-dzhw-70.xlsx
Release Notes  The release notes contain information about the current version and changes compared to previous versions.  English link_off


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  Questionnaire for students getting study support  German  link_off gif2008_Questionnaire_StudyGrants.pdf
Questionnaire  Questionnaire for supported Doctoral Candidats  German  link_off gif2008_Questionnaire_DoctoralSponsorship.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire for Study Grant Receivers with the variable names  German  link_off gif2008_Variables_Quest_StudyGrants.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire for Doctoral Sponsoship Receivers with variable names  German  link_off gif2008_Variables_Quest_DocSponsorship.pdf
Other  Diagram of the online survey course  German  link_off gif2008_Course_of_Survey.pdf

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Survey of Scholarship holder in 2008 
Individual Data 
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Social Profile of Scholarship System 2008 
Access Ways: SUF: Download
Observations (max.):  9,540
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