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Data Package gra2001


Study Series:
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Sponsored by:
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project Contributors:
Brandt, Gesche;
Briedis, Kolja;
Fabian, Gregor;
Kerst, Christian;
Minks, Karl-Heinz;
Rehn, Thorsten;
Schaeper, Hilde;
Schramm, Michael
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data available in:
Data Curation:
Daniel, Andreas
1.0.0 (published at Jan 29, 2021)

The panel study was originally named "HIS Graduate Panel 2001". The documentation materials in this data package therefore partly use this name. Until February 2021, the data package was made available through the Gesis Data Archive (doi: ).

Data Package Description

The DZHW Graduate Panel 2001 (initially HIS Graduate Panel 2001) is part of the DZHW Graduate Survey Series, which compiles information on study, career entry, career development and further qualifications of higher education graduates using standardised surveys. For each graduate cohort, a series of survey waves are carried out, with each wave occurring at differing time intervals following the completion of degree.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Dokumentation des Scientific Use Files "HIS-Absolventenpanel 2001". Datensatzbeschreibung und Kodebuch  Data and Methods Report and Codebook on the Graduate Panel 2001 (1st and 2nd Survey Waves)  German link_off gra2001_MethodReport_Codebook_de.pdf
DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2001. Übersicht zum Absolventenpanel 2001 (1. & 2. Befragungswelle).  Data Package Overview  German link_off gra2001_Overview_de.pdf
DZHW Graduate Panel 2001. Overview of the DZHW Graduate Panel 2001 (1st & 2nd wave).  Data Package Overview  English link_off gra2001_Overview_en.pdf
Citation Guideline DZHW Graduate Panel 2001 (1st & 2nd wave).  Citation Guideline DZHW Graduate Panel 2001  English link_off gra2001_CitationGuideline_de_en.pdf
Release Notes DZHW Graduate Panel 2001 (1st & 2nd wave).  Release Notes DZHW Graduate Panel 2001  English link_off


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument  German  link_off gra2001_W1_Questionaire_de.pdf
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument  German  link_off gra2001_W2_Questionaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set  German  link_off gra2001_W1_VariableQuestionaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set  German  link_off gra2001_W2_VariableQuestionaire_de.pdf

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