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Data Package gra2017

Graduate Survey 2017 


Study Series:
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW); Institut für angewandte Statistik (ISTAT); International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel (INCHER-Kassel)
Sponsored by:
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project Contributors:
Fabian, Gregor;
Flöter, Choni;
Reifenberg, Dirk
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data available in:
Data Curation:
Schmidtchen, Henrike;
Oestreich, Tina;
Euler, Thorsten
1.0.0 (published at Jul 19, 2023)

Compared to the DZHW graduate studies of previous years, special limitations apply to the 2017 graduate survey, which can be traced in the data and methods report. Central to these are severe limitations in the quality and usability of the activity, study, and career histories, as well as the fact that some variables were no longer available in their original form and the variable genesis remained unclear in some cases. In contrast to the earlier graduate panel data collected by DZHW, no episode data can be provided in the present 2017 graduate survey. Moreover, the 2017 graduate survey with data collection by ISTAT is not a longitudinal survey in panel design, as no unique panel ID of the respondents was collected. Overall, the 2017 graduate survey should not be considered without qualification as another cohort of the DZHW graduate studies. Rather, it is a graduate study conducted in the collaborative project in their context, which has the aforementioned limitations compared to the graduate studies of the earlier cohorts.
Nevertheless, the data package offers possibilities for secondary use for questions of national education monitoring, higher education governance and higher education research. For more information, see the Data and Methods Report.

Data Package Description

The 2017 graduate survey is conducted in the context of the DZHW graduate study series, which uses standardized surveys to collect information on the studies, career entry, career path and further qualification of university graduates. The first graduate panel was conducted in 1989, and since then every fourth cohort of graduates has been surveyed.
The 2017 graduate survey is the first collaborative project in the context of the DZHW graduate study series. The joint partners DZHW, INCHER, and ISTAT aim to take into account the interests of different user groups as comprehensively as possible. To this end, a jointly coordinated and redesigned instrument is to make it possible to take into account questions of both national education monitoring and higher education management and research (Fabian, Flöther & Reifenberg, 2021).
Thematically, the 2017 graduate survey focuses on the transition to the labor market (or to further academic qualifications) and an initial labor market placement. The collection of nationally representative data on the 2017 graduating class is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Graduate Survey 2017  Data Package Overview  English link_off gra2017_Overview_en.pdf
Absolventenbefragung 2017  Data Package Overview  German link_off gra2017_Overview_de.pdf
Datennutzungshinweise  Date Use Instructions for Graduate Survey 2017  German link_off gra2017_DataUseInstructions_de.pdf
Release Notes  The release notes contain information about the current version and changes compared to previous versions.  German link_off
Daten- und Methodenbericht des Datenpakets "Absolventenbefragung 2017"  The report includes data usage notes and further information on the data package.  German link_off gra2017_MethodReport_de.pdf


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument  German  link_off gra2017_W1_allgemein_Questionnaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire mapping of questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set  German  link_off gra2017_W1_allgemein_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf
Other  Project's own reference list for countries, aggr. countries (based on NEPS, adaptations for Europe) and world regions  German  link_off cl-dzhw-44.xlsx
Other  Destatis List of Keys for the "Classification of Occupations (KldB)" of 2010  German  link_off cl-destatis-kldb-2010.xls
Other  Destatis subject classification winter semester 2017/2018  German  link_off cl-destatis-studienfach-2018.xlsx
Other  Higher education institutions according to Destatis key index for student and examination statistics, doctoral statistics and guest student statistics (WiSe 2019/2020 and SoSe 2020), Key 2.2  German  link_off cl-destatis-hochschule-2020.xlsx
Other  TERCET NUTS-postal codes matching tables 2010  German  link_off cl-eurostat-deplznuts-2010.xlsx

Data Sets

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Datensatzreport: Personendatensatz Absolventenbefragung 2017  Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Individual data graduate survey 2017"  German link_off dsreport-gra2017-ds1.pdf
Dataset Report: Individual data graduate survey 2017  Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Individual data graduate survey 2017"  English link_off dsreport-gra2017-ds1_en.pdf

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Question B13: Questionnaire of the graduate survey 2017 
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