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Data Package scs2016

DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 


Study Series:
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Sponsored by:
  • German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Project Contributors:
Johann, David;
Neufeld, Jörg
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data Curation:
Daniel, Andreas;
Kienast, Sahra-Rebecca;
Vietgen, Sandra
1.0.0 (published at Nov 1, 2018)

Data Package Description

The DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 is an online survey for full-time academic and artistic personnel at German universities, teacher training colleges, theological colleges, art and music colleges as well as medical schools. As a trend study, the survey is repeated periodically. It is a follow-up to the Scientists Survey 2010 which was carried out by the Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance (iFQ). The iFQ merged with the DZHW in January 2016.
Both the current and the last survey focus mainly on the research conditions of academics at German universities in regard to the changes of the German science system over the last 20 years. The survey contains questions on opinions on science politics, employment and career prospects of young academics, the peer review system, merit-based resource allocation, the acquisition of external funds and working time budgets.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Wissenschaftlerbefragung 2016  Data and Meth­ods Re­port on Sci­en­tists Sur­vey 2016  German link_off scs2016_MethodReport_de.pdf
Overview of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016  Study Overview  English link_off scs2016_Overview_en.pdf


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument  German  link_off scs2016_Questionnaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set  German  link_off scs2016_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf
Other  Fragebogensteuerung  German  link_off scs2016_QuestionnaireControl_de.pdf
Other  projekteigene Referenzliste für Länder, aggregierte Länder und Weltregionen  German  link_off cl-dzhw-25.xlsx

Data Sets

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Variablendokumentation: DZHW-Wissenschaftlerbefragung 2016 Datensatz 1  Codebook of the first dataset of SCS2016  German link_off dsreport-scs2016-ds1.pdf

Related Objects

Surveys Instruments Questions (128) Data Sets Variables Publications Concepts
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41 - 50 of 128
Question 4.1: Questionnaire of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 
Question Type: Grid 
Is some of your basic research funding dependent on the following performance criteria? 
Question 4.2: Questionnaire of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 
Question Type: Single Choice 
How fair or unfair is the performance-related grant of funding at your institution, in your opinion? 
Question 4.3: Questionnaire of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 
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In the following section, we are interested in your personal opinion. How far do you agree with the following statements? In my subject area in Germany, the funding opportunities for third-party funding for ambitious research are… 
Question 4.4: Questionnaire of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 
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In the following section, we are interested in your personal opinion. How far do you agree with the following statements? In my subject area, research in Germany is internationally... 
Question 4.5: Questionnaire of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 
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In the following section, we are interested in your personal opinion. How far do you agree with the following statements? In my subject area, basic funding in Germany is… 
Question 4.6: Questionnaire of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 
Question Type: Grid 
In the following section, we are interested in your personal opinion. How far do you agree with the following statements? In my subject area the influence of academic policy on the content focus is... 
Question 4.7: Questionnaire of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 
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In the following section, we are interested in your personal opinion. How far do you agree with the following statements? In my subject area the performance requirements generated by evaluations are... 
Question 4.8: Questionnaire of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 
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Question 4.9: Questionnaire of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 
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In the following section, we are interested in your personal opinion. How far do you agree with the following statements? Among colleagues in my subject area in Germany, the competition is... 
Question 4.10: Questionnaire of the DZHW Scientists Survey 2016 
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In the following section, we are interested in your personal opinion. How far do you agree with the following statements? In my subject area the necessity of acquiring third-party funding is... 
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41 - 50 of 128

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