14th Social Survey
Study Series:
Sponsored by:
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research
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Data Package Description
The Social Survey is a series of surveys on the economic and social situation of students in Germany that has been in existence since 1951. At three- to four-year intervals, a cross-section of students is surveyed on aspects of university access, structural features of study, social and economic situation, including income and cost of living, employment, housing situation, and socio-demographic characteristics such as ethnic and social origin, partnership status and parenthood. The data package includes data from the survey of German, educationally native, and educationally foreign students conducted as part of the 14th Social Survey (1994).
Documents related to this Data Package
Data Package
Title | Description | Document Language | DOI | File |
Daten- und Methodenbericht des Datenpakets "14. Sozialerhebung" | The report includes data usage notes and further information on the data package. | German |
ssy14_MethodReport_de.pdf |
Codierliste für Bundesland und Region des Studiums | Coding list for federal state and region of study | German |
cl-dzhw-51.xlsx |
Codierliste für Studienfächer und Fächergruppen gemäß der amtlichen Statistik | Coding list for subjects and subject groups according to official statistics | German |
cl-dzhw-52.xlsx |
Codierliste für Hochschulen gemäß der amtlichen Statistik | Coding list for higher education institutions according to official Statistics | German |
cl-dzhw-53.xlsx |
Codierliste für Länder, aggregierte Länder und Weltregionen | Coding list for countries, aggregated countries and World regions | German |
cl-dzhw-54.xlsx |
Release Notes | The release notes contain information about the current version and changes compared to previous versions. | German |
ssy14_ReleaseNotes.md |
14. Sozialerhebung | Overview of the student survey 1994 | German |
ssy14_Overview_de.pdf |
Type | Description | Document Language | DOI | File |
Questionnaire | questionnaire of the 14th Social Survey | German |
ssy14_Questionnaire.pdf |
Variable Questionnaire | Questionnaire with the variable names of the SUF of the 14th Social Survey | German |
ssy14_VariablesQuestionnaire_SUF.pdf |
Data Sets
Title | Description | Document Language | DOI | File |
Datensatzreport: 14. Sozialerhebung | Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "14th Social Survey" | German |
dsreport-ssy14-ds1.pdf |