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Data Package ssy18

18th Social Survey (2006) 


Study Series:
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Sponsored by:
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project Contributors:
Wolter, Andrä;
Isserstedt, Wolfgang;
Middendorff, Elke;
Fabian, Gregor;
Weber, Steffen
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data Curation:
Middendorff, Elke;
Hoffstätter, Ute
1.0.0 (published at Jun 26, 2019)

Data Package Description

The 18th Social Survey is part of the series of studies on the economic and social condition of student life in Germany, which exists since 1951. It is a cross-sectional survey that is usually conducted every three years. The core of the Social Survey includes questions on access to higher education, structural characteristics of studies and the course of studies, the social and economic situation (financing of studies, cost of living, gainful employment, housing situation), topics relating to the fields of activity of the Studentenwerke as well as socio-demographic characteristics. The data from the 18th Social Survey provide a snapshot within the process of the Bologna reforms, which, for the students, was primarily associated with the introduction of a tiered study structure. At the same time, the legal conditions for the reintroduction of general tuition fees had been created in seven federal states ("Bundesländer"). A supplementary questionnaire for students with children was used to examine their particular life and study situation and, for the first time since 1991, to present it in a special report.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
18. Sozialerhebung. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Studierendenbefragung 2006  Data and Meth­ods Re­port on 18th So­cial Sur­vey (2006)  German link_off ssy18_MethodReport_de.pdf
18. Sozialerhebung. Studienübersicht zur Studierendenbefragung 2006  Study Overview  German link_off ssy18_Overview_de.pdf
18th Social Survey. Study Overview on the Student Survey 2006  Study Overview  English link_off ssy18_Overview_en.pdf


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  ap­plied sur­vey in­stru­ment  German  link_off ssy18_Main_Questionnaire_de.pdf
Questionnaire  ap­plied sur­vey in­stru­ment  German  link_off ssy18_Children_Questionnaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  map­ping of ques­tions of the sur­vey in­stru­ment and vari­ables of the data set  German  link_off ssy18_Main_VariablesQuestionnaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  map­ping of ques­tions of the sur­vey in­stru­ment and vari­ables of the data set  German  link_off ssy18_Children_VariablesQuestionnaire_de.pdf
Other  Project-specific reference list for countries, aggregated countries and world regions (foreign countries)  German  link_off cl-dzhw-29.xlsx
Other  Project-specific coding list for study subjects  German  link_off cl-dzhw-30.xlsx
Other  Project-specific coding list for higher education institutions  German  link_off cl-dzhw-31.xlsx

Data Sets

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Variablendokumentation: 18. Sozialerhebung (2006). Datensatz 1  Dataset re­port of the 18th Social Survey (2006)  German link_off dsreport-ssy18-ds1.pdf

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