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Data Package studentsteps

Recursive problem solving in the online learning environment CodingBat by computer science students 


Study Series:
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main; Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Sponsored by:
  • No funding
Project Contributors:
Kiesler, Natalie ORCID logo
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Qualitative Data
Data available in:
Data Curation:
İkiz-Akıncı, Dilek ORCID logo
1.0.0 (published at Jun 30, 2022)

Data Package Description

The data package has been gathered within the scope of the dissertation of the data provider, Natalie Kiesler. It focuses on informative feedback, its design, and its implementation in basic programming education. It was used to answer the research question about the effects of informative feedback offered by (online) self-learning tools. Especially those coding tools with automatic assessment can lead to frustrations for learners, if they receive minimal feedback or if tasks are too complex. Therefore, it seemed reasonable to examine the effects of individual feedback types in greater detail in order to assess their impact in the context of programming education. Thus, the impact of informative feedback on learners was explored by means of thinking aloud experiments in order to obtain further clues for the design of feedback in basic programming education. Students’ steps during recursive problem solving of standard computer science problems (including the computation of the factorial of natural numbers, as well as the computation of the Fibonacci sequence) were recorded in a professional usability lab in form of both audio and video data (among them screencasts). A self-developed feedback prototype and the freely available online tool CodingBat were utilized for the investigation. The data on students’ steps includes their task processing time, interactions, feedback demands and use, so that the student steps in the problem solving process can be qualitatively traced. Thus, mental models, or student approaches towards recursive problem solving can become more transparent. The full transcripts of the thinking aloud experiments are too extensive, so they are not provided for reasons of data economy. Instead, the transcripts of the students’ screen activities in terms of coding are made available.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Daten- und Methodenbericht des Datenpakets "Rekursive Problemlösung in der Online Lernumgebung CodingBat durch Informatik-Studierende"  The report includes data usage notes and further information on the data package.  German link_off studentsteps_Data_Methods_Report_de.pdf
Rekursive Problemlösung in der Online Lernumgebung CodingBat durch Informatik-Studierende  Data Package Overview  German link_off studentsteps_Overview_de.pdf
Recursive problem solving in the online learning environment CodingBat by computer science students  Data Package Overview  English link_off studentsteps_Overview_en.pdf
Datennutzungshinweise  Data Use Instructions for the data package "Recursive problem solving in the online learning environment CodingBat by computer science students "  German link_off studentsteps_DataUseInstructions_de.pdf
Hinweise für Datennutzende/ Notes for Data users  Citation Guideline  German link_off Notes_for_Data_Users.pdf
Release Notes  The release notes contain information about the current version and changes compared to previous versions.  German link_off


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Other  Screenshot of the CodingBat exercise on the faculty of n (source: Parlante, Nick (2022). Recursion 1 - factorial. URL:  English  link_off codingbat.PNG

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