Individual data Eurostudent VII (Norway)
Data available in:
The anonymised data from Norway is provided as a separate datafile because of the following reason. Dissemination of the EUROSTUDENT VII microdata is subject to the Norwegian Statistics Act. As such, the file was treated as a public use file (and not as a scientific use file) and was fully anonymised to ensure confidentiality of participants’ responses. To prevent reidentification of individual respondents’ records, the microdata set has been perturbed. This perturbation method perturbs (or disturbs) information on for example students’ background characteristics (such as age), amongst others. More specifically, an invariant Post-Randomization Method (invariant PRAM) was employed on the data. For more information on this method and its consequences, we refer to the information provided by the Norwegian national research team, which is included as a documentation material in FDZ’s metadata package
Available Subdatasets
Access Way | Name | Data Formats | Variables | Analyzable Variables | Observations |
SUF: Download (SUF: Download Norway (download-suf (can be downloaded after the conclusion of a data use agreement)) | es7_p_d_no_3-1-0 | SPSS |
Unknown | 10,374 |