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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Data set of the student survey 1990 


Individual Data 
Data available in:

Available Subdatasets

Access Way Name Data Formats Variables Analyzable Variables Observations
SUF: Download (Can be downloaded after the conclusion of a data use agreement.) stsu90_welle4_download.dta  Stata
Unknown 8,812 
SUF: Remote-Desktop (Can be used via remote access after the conclusion of a data use agreement.) stsu90_welle4_remote.dta  Stata
Unknown 8,812 

Documents related to the Data Set

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Variablenliste für Studierendensurvey 4. Erhebung vom WS 1989/90  List of variables of the student survey 1990 (Wave 4) (Access Way: Download)  German  link_off stsu90_Var-liste_Welle4_1990_download.pdf  
Variablenliste für Studierendensurvey 4. Erhebung vom WS 1989/90  List of variables of the student survey 1990 (Wave 4) (Access Way: Remote)  German  link_off stsu90_Var-liste_Welle4_1990_remote.pdf  

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Surveys (1) Variables Concepts
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Quantitative Data, Standardised self-administered survey 
Population: Students of 166 German universities and universities of applied sciences corresponding to the OECD level 5 ISCED classification (5A and 5B) in the tertiary sector of education. 
Sampling Procedure: Probability Sample: Multistage Sample 
Field Period: Jan 1, 1989 - Dec 31, 1991
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