Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Original Languages:
Documents related to the Instrument
Type | Description | Document Language | DOI | File |
Questionnaire | applied survey instrument (third wave, main survey) | German |
gra2009_W3_Main_Questionnaire_de.pdf |
Variable Questionnaire | mapping of questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set (third wave, main survey) | German |
gra2009_W3_Main_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf |
Question Flow | visualization of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions (third wave, main survey) | German |
gra2009_W3_Main_CAWI_QuestionFlow_de.pdf |
Other | Destatis-Schlüsselverzeichnis für die "Klassifizierung der Berufe (KldB)" von 2010 | German |
cl-destatis-kldb-2010.xls |
Other | TERCET NUTS-postal codes matching tables 2010 | German |
cl-eurostat-deplznuts-2010.xlsx |
Other | Destatis-Fächersystematik Wintersemester 2019/2020 | German |
cl-destatis-studienfach-2020.pdf |
Other | Hochschulen nach Destatis-Schlüsselverzeichnis für die Studenten- und Prüfungsstatistik, Promovierendenstatistik und Gasthörerstatistik (WiSe 2019/2020 und SoSe 2020), Schl.2.2 | German |
cl-destatis-hochschule-2020.xlsx |
Other | Destatis-Staats- und Gebietssystematik von 2015 | German |
cl-destatis-ausland-2015.pdf |
Other | Destatis-Bundeslandschlüssel, entsprechend der ersten beiden Ziffern des Amtlichen Gemeindeschlüssels (AGS) | German |
cl-destatis-bundesland-1990.xlsx |
Variable Questionnaire | English translation of the German Variable Questionnaire (third wave) | English |
gra2009_W3_Main_VariableQuestionnaire_en.pdf |
Questionnaire | English translation of the German Questionnaire (third wave) | English |
gra2009_W3_Main_Questionnaire_en.pdf |
Other | documentation of the flag variables | German |
gra2009_Documentation_Flags_de.pdf |
Other | documentation of the flag variables | English |
gra2009_Documentation_Flags_en.pdf |
Related Objects
Question index: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Question Type:
Item Set
Please confirm your willingness to participate. You will then be taken to the survey by clicking on the continue button.
Question p101: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Question Type:
Multiple Choice
Which of the following activities do you currently do?
Question p102: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Question Type:
How do you assess your future career prospects?
Question p103: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Question Type:
Item Set
In order to better understand the paths from your studies into professional life and other areas of life, we ask you to enter your activities from the beginning of 2015 until today in the following calendar.
Question p201: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Question Type:
Item Set
Have you ever been employed in any form since you graduated in the examination year 2008/2009?
Question p301: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Question Type:
How important are the following knowledge and skills for your current professional activity?, How important were the following knowledge and skills for your last professional activity?
Question p301b: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Question Type:
How important are the following knowledge and skills for your current professional activity?, How important were the following knowledge and skills for your last professional activity?
Question p304: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Question Type:
Item Set
In the following, we ask you to provide a more detailed description of the various professional activities you have carried out in 2015 and thereafter. Please also indicate activities that you have already started before, if these extend into the year 2015.
Question p304b: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Question Type:
Item Set
In the following, we ask you to provide a more detailed description of the various professional activities you have carried out in 2015 and thereafter. Please also indicate activities that you have already started before, if these extend into the year 2015.
Question p304c: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey
Question Type:
Item Set
In the following, we ask you to provide a more detailed description of the various professional activities you have carried out in 2015 and thereafter. Please also indicate activities that you have already started before, if these extend into the year 2015.