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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

18th Social Survey Questionnaire 


The economic and social situation of students 2006 

Documents related to the Instrument

Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  ap­plied sur­vey in­stru­ment  German  link_off ssy18_Main_Questionnaire_de.pdf  
Variable Questionnaire  map­ping of ques­tions of the sur­vey in­stru­ment and vari­ables of the data set  German  link_off ssy18_Main_VariablesQuestionnaire_de.pdf  
Other  Project-specific reference list for countries, aggregated countries and world regions (foreign countries)  German  link_off cl-dzhw-29.xlsx  
Other  Project-specific coding list for study subjects  German  link_off cl-dzhw-30.xlsx  
Other  Project-specific coding list for higher education institutions  German  link_off cl-dzhw-31.xlsx  

Related Objects

Surveys Questions Data Sets Variables (405) Concepts
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Wechselmotiv: Ruf der HS 
hsruf (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
18th Social Survey (2006) 
Wechselmotiv: Studiengang 
wechsel (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
18th Social Survey (2006) 
Wechselmotiv: Studiengebühren 
lowgeb (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
18th Social Survey (2006) 
Wechselmotiv: Lebenshaltungskosten 
lowkost (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
18th Social Survey (2006) 
Wechselmotiv: Stadt 
city (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
18th Social Survey (2006) 
Wechselmotiv: persönlich 
privat (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
18th Social Survey (2006) 
hs_a (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
18th Social Survey (2006) 
Hochschulart, aggregiert 
hsagg (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
18th Social Survey (2006) 
Studium Lebensmittelpunkt? 
studlage (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
18th Social Survey (2006) 
Lehrveranstaltungen in Std.: Montag 
aktunimo (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
18th Social Survey (2006) 
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41 - 50 of 405

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