A Total Survey Error Perspective on Cross-National Student Surveys
Gewinner, Irina Valerie; Hauschildt, Kristina; Keute, Anna-Lena; Lagerstrøm, Bengt Oscar; Mandl, Sylvia
A Total Survey Error Perspective on Cross-National Student Surveys
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Source Reference:
Gewinner, I. V., Hauschildt, K., Keute Anna-Lena, Lagerstrøm, B. O. & Mandl, S. (2022). A Total Survey Error Perspective on Cross-National Student Surveys. In G. Brandt & S. de Vogel (Hrsg.), Higher Education Research and Science Studies. Survey-Methoden in der Hochschulforschung (S. 453–475). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.