Question 39: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "reginal mobility"
Question Number:
Question Text:
Und welche Gründe sprechen derzeit gegen den Umzug in eine andere Stadt?
(Mehrfachnennung möglich)
Question Type:
Multiple Choice
Images of this Question
1008 x 554 (Depending on the screen resolution, the question was displayed differently.)
Previous Questions in Questionnaire
Question 38: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "reginal mobility"
Question Type:
Multiple Choice
Aus welchen Gründen erwägen Sie derzeit den Umzug in eine andere Stadt?
Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire
Question 43: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "reginal mobility"
Question Type:
Single Choice
Zum Abschluss würden wir gerne noch wissen: Haben Sie im Laufe ihres Lebens bereits eine längere Zeit (durchgängig mehr als 3 Monate) im Ausland verbracht?
Related Objects
reasons against moving at present time: current job
mmov08a (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "regional mobility"
reasons against moving at present time: studies/doctorate/further qualification
mmov08b (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "regional mobility"
reasons against moving at present time: job (partner)
mmov08c (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "regional mobility"
reasons against moving at present time: relationship
mmov08d (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "regional mobility"
reasons against moving at present time: living conditions with child(ren)
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Contains data from these surveys:
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "regional mobility"
reasons against moving at present time: proximity to friends
mmov08f (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "regional mobility"
reasons against moving at present time: proximity to relatives
mmov08g (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "regional mobility"
reasons against moving at present time: quality of life at current residence
mmov08h (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "regional mobility"
reasons against moving at present time: attachment due to owned property
mmov08i (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "regional mobility"
reasons against moving at present time: other
mmov08j (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - second wave, in-depth survey "regional mobility"