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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Question p304k: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 


Question Number:
Question Text:
In the following, we ask you to provide a more detailed description of the various professional activities you have carried out in 2015 and thereafter. Please also indicate activities that you have already started before, if these extend into the year 2015. 
Please include all gainful activities, i.e. regular gainful activities, also as self-employed, traineeships etc., periods as trainee etc., contracts for work or temporary/part-time jobs. Add a further employment episode below via the selection "further professional activity" whenever you have changed employer, have become gainfully employed again after an interruption or if there have been changes with regard to the listed activity characteristics. You can enter up to fifteen episodes of employment. Please select a different letter for each enterprise in which you have worked. If you worked in different jobs in the same enterprise, use the same letter. In the case of self-employment (also contracts for work in self-employment), please select the S. 
Question Type:
Item Set 

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Previous Questions in Questionnaire

Question p304j: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
Question Type: Item Set 
In the following, we ask you to provide a more detailed description of the various professional activities you have carried out in 2015 and thereafter. Please also indicate activities that you have already started before, if these extend into the year 2015. 

Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire

Question p304l: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
Question Type: Item Set 
In the following, we ask you to provide a more detailed description of the various professional activities you have carried out in 2015 and thereafter. Please also indicate activities that you have already started before, if these extend into the year 2015. 
Question p305: Questionnaire of DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Do you have plans to become self-employed? 

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Surveys Instruments Variables (16) Concepts
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11th job: start (month) 
cocc2411a (numeric, ordinal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
11th job: start (year) 
cocc2411b (numeric, interval)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
11th job: end (month) 
cocc2411c (numeric, ordinal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
11th job: end (year) 
cocc2411d (numeric, interval)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
11th job: still ongoing 
cocc2411e (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
11th job: type of employment 
cocc2411f (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
11th job: full-time/part-time 
cocc2411g (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
11th job: hours per week 
cocc2411h (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
11th job: job position 
cocc2411i (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
11th job: location of work (postcode, 5-digit) 
cocc2411k_a (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2009 - third wave, main survey 
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