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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Question B02.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 


Question Number:
Question Text:
Are there other doctoral candidates – besides yourself – in the research project?/Were there other doctoral candidates – besides yourself – in the research project? 
Question Type:
Single Choice 
PhD/doctorate thesis and PhD/doctorates conditions 

Images of this Question

Are there other doctoral candidates – besides yourself – in the research project?/Were there other doctoral candidates – besides yourself – in the research project?
Resolution: 1200 x 1024 (Depending on the screen resolution, the question was displayed differently.)

Previous Questions in Questionnaire

Question B01.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Is your PhD/doctorate part of a research project other people are also working on?/Was your PhD/doctorate part of a research project other people are also working on/also worked on? 

Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire

Question B03.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Do you already have a concrete PhD/doctorate topic?/Did you already have a concrete PhD/doctorate topic? 
Question B04.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Multiple Choice 
How did you decide on your PhD/doctorate topic? 

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