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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Question B41.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 


Question Number:
Question Text:
Do you - in the current semester - receive a non-financial doctoral sponsorship from one of the following organisations resp. institutions? 
Please select all that apply. 
Question Type:
Multiple Choice 
PhD/doctorate thesis and PhD/doctorates conditions 

Images of this Question

Do you - in the current semester - receive a non-financial doctoral sponsorship from one of the following organisations resp. institutions?
Resolution: 1200 x 1024 (Depending on the screen resolution, the question was displayed differently.)

Previous Questions in Questionnaire

Question B38.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Multiple Choice 
How are you financing your living expenses in the current semester?/How did you finance your living expenses during your PhD/doctorate? 
Question B39.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Multiple Choice 
How did you finance yourself immediately before your parental leave began? 
Question B40.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Which organisation resp. institution mainly funds you through a a grant/scholarship?/Which organisation resp. institution mainly funded you through a grant/scholarship before your parental leave?/Which organisation resp. institution maily funds (resp. funded you before your parental leave) through a grant/scholarship? 

Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire

Question B42.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
My data will be transmitted for the purpose of scientific evaluation to the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes – German Academic Scholarship Foundation. 
Question B43.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Grid 
Please indicate the monthly amount that you gain from the following income sources in the current semester.,Please indicate the monthly amount that you gain from the following income source in the current semester. 
Question C34.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Open 
How many hours per week are you able to work on your PhD/doctorate on average?/How many hours per week were you able to work on your PhD/doctorate on average prior to the interruption? 

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