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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Question A01: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - fourth wave 


Question Number:
Question Text:
At the last survey in #{PRELOADdpl008.value} you were officially registered as a doctoral candidate at your university. Something could have changed in the meantime.Please indicate your current status. 
Your PhD/doctorate is regarded as completed when you have successfully passed the final examination (usually: disputation or viva voce). 
Question Type:
Single Choice 

Images of this Question

At the last survey in #{PRELOADdpl008.value} you were officially registered as a doctoral candidate at your university. Something could have changed in the meantime.Please indicate your current status.
Resolution: 1200 x 1024 (Depending on the screen resolution, the question was displayed differently.)

Previous Questions in Questionnaire

Question index: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - fourth wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Welcome to the doctoral candidates and doctorate holders survey "Nacaps"! For a German version of the survey please click on the flag in the header! Depending on your personal life situation, the survey will take about 25 to 35 minutes. You can also complete the survey on your smartphone, but answering on a larger screen is easier and faster. You can interrupt the survey at any time and continue at a later moment. Once you have answered all the questions, you will then have the opportunity to participate in the announced raffle. We already thank you for partcipating in the survey at this point! Dr. Kolja Briedis and Dr. Antje Wegner Project management Nacaps Your participation is voluntary, of course. Your information will be used for research and evaluation purposes. All Nacaps data will be published and made available to other scientists anonymously only. Your contact details will always be processed and stored separately from the survey data. Under no circumstances will your contact information be shared with third parties. Yes, I have read the data privacy statement (see link above) and I agree with it. Contact If you have questions about data privacy, please contact the data protection officer of the DZHW, Mr Martin Fuchs: Tel.: +49 511450670-491; Email: Further information about data protection at the DZHW can be found here. For all other questions and comments we are at your disposal: You can call the staff member Carola Teichman via telephone under +49 30 206 417 146. She can also be contacted via email at Please note that if you do not consent to the data protection conditions it will not be possible for you to take part in the Nacaps survey, unfortunately. 

Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire

Question A02: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - fourth wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Is the interruption officially reported to your university? 
Question A03: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - fourth wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
How many people are currently supervising your doctoral project? 
Question A30: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - fourth wave 
Question Type: Grid 
To what extent do/did the following reasons play a role in this?,To what extent did the following reasons play a role in your decision to discontinue the doctorate? 
Question A34: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - fourth wave 
Question Type: Grid 
At which university did you complete your PhD/doctorate?,At which university did you want to do your PhD/doctorate? 
Question cancel2: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - fourth wave 
Question Type: Open 
Dear participant, please note that you can only continue with the Nacaps survey if you answered the question regarding the status of your PhD/doctorate. If you are interested in taking part in the study, please click on the „Previous“ button below and answer the question on the status of your PhD/doctorate.,Otherwise, you can send us comments and your opinions about the study below. 

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Surveys (1) Instruments Variables Concepts
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Quantitative Data, Standardised online survey 
Population: Persons who were registered for a PhD/doctorate at a German university on the cut-off date 1 December 2018 
Sampling Procedure: Total universe/Complete Enumeration 
Field Period: Apr 12, 2022 - Jun 1, 2022
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