Question A_18: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)"
Question Number:
Question Text:
We have approached you via the #{Preload: name of institution}. Is this the university where you are currently studying?
If you are currently studying at another university, please select “No”. If you are studying at several universities at the same time, please respond with respect to the institution mentioned above.
Question Type:
Images of this Question
1040 x 6000 (Depending on the screen resolution, the question was displayed differently.)
Previous Questions in Questionnaire
Question index: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)"
Question Type:
Multiple Choice
I have read the information on the survey and data protection of the Student Survey Germany. I hereby consent to the processing of my data. If optional indications are provided, my consent also expressly relates to the processing of special categories of personal data (e.g. sexual orientation, health data, etc.). I know that I can revoke my consent at any time, but this does not affect the legality of the processing carried out based on the consent up to the point of revocation.
Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire
Question TR_1: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)"
Question Type:
Single Choice
How is your current study programme organised?
Question A_17: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)"
Question Type:
In which subject-related semester are you currently in?
In which university semester are you currently in?
Are you currently in a semester on leave?
Are you currently in a trimester on leave?
Question A_19: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)"
Question Type:
Single Choice
In which Federal state/country is your university located?
Related Objects
University current studies: location
hsstand (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
University current studies: at another university
hsstand_2 (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
University current studies: university
hs_p_g1 (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
University current studies: university (federal state)
hs_p_g2 (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
University current studies: university (new or old federal states)
hs_p_g3 (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
University current studies: university (type -> 2 categories)
hs_p_g4 (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)