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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Question E1_7: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 


Question Number:
Question Text:
Have you sought advice on the aforementioned topics over the past twelve months? 
Question Type:
Item Set 

Answer items are displayed depending on the answers in E1-6.
Item "Financial issues associated with my disability", "Measures taken in my studies and exams to compensate for disadvantages stemming from my (health-related) disability", "Reconciling the demands of my studies and my disability/chronic condition" and "Dealing with prolonged interruptions of my studies due to my disability" are presented to students with disabilities (A-15).
Item "Relationship/partner issues" is presented to students who are in a stable partnership, married or in a registered civil partnership (A-11).
Item "Reconciling the demands of my studies and working at a job" is presented to students who are employed during the lecture period (A-42).
Item "Reconciling the demands of my studies and being a parent" is presented to students who have children (A-12).

Images of this Question

Have you sought advice on the aforementioned topics over the past twelve months?
Resolution: 1040 x 6000 (Depending on the screen resolution, the question was displayed differently.)

Previous Questions in Questionnaire

Question E1_6: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Item Set 
To what extent have you had questions or difficulties over the last twelve months with regard to the following topics? 

Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire

Question E1_8: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Multiple Choice 
Why have you not taken advantage of any student advisory services? 
Question E1_11: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Item Set 
How well informed are you about the following areas of your university? 

Related Objects

Surveys Instruments Variables (20) Concepts
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Advice: reconciling the demands of studies and working at a job 
iinavbew_p (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 
Advice: reconciling the demands of studies and being a parent 
iinavbki_p (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 
Advice: reconciling the demands of studies and disability/chronic condition 
iinavbhc_p (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 
Advice: learning/performance problems, exam anxiety 
iinallpran_p (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 
Advice: work organisation, time management 
iinaaoz_p (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 
Advice: organisation of studies/study programme design/switching to anot. prog. 
iinaabersw_p (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 
Advice: organisation of a study-related stay abroad 
iinaaorg_p (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 
Advice: problems completing studies/graduating 
iinaabs_p (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 
Advice: measures taken to comp. for disadvant. stemming from disability 
innabsln (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 
Advice: dealing with prolonged interruptions of studies 
iinabssu_p (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 
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11 - 20 of 20

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