Question E2M_1: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)"
Question Number:
Question Text:
What is the likelihood that you would apply for this master’s degree programme?
The course of study has a #{specialisation} and the curriculum offers #{curriculum} elective courses. The compulsory courses tend to be #{orientation}. Furthermore, it features an internship #{internship}.The university #{ranking} and the teacher/student ratio is 1 professor to #{supervision} students. There are #{tuition fees}. An average BA-grade of #{grade} (1.0 “highest” – 4.0 “lowest”) is required for admission. The language of instruction is #{language} and you study in #{country}.
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Question Type:
Single Choice
Respondents were consecutively presented four vignettes with different combinations of features:
- {specialisation}: has a strong specialisation / covers a wide range of topics
- {curriculum}: few / many
- {orientation}: theoretical / practical and empirical
- {internship}: in a company / in a research institution
- {ranking}: belongs to the top group in the rankings / is in the middle of the rankings / is not represented in the rankings
- {supervision}: 5 / 20 / 50
- {tutition fees}: no tuition fees / 1,000 euro per year / 2,000 euro per year / 4,000 euro per year
- {grade}: 1.5 / 2.0 / 2.5
- {language}: German / English
- {country}: Germany / abroad
Images of this Question
1040 x 6000 (Depending on the screen resolution, the question was displayed differently.)
Previous Questions in Questionnaire
Question A_49a: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)"
Question Type:
Item Set
How likely is it that you will …
Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire
Question E2M_2: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)"
Question Type:
Single Choice
Do you already know which profession you intend to take up after studies?
Related Objects
Master´s vignette: likelihood of application
mavig_bew_p (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
Master´s vignette: specialisation
mavig_themen (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
Master´s vignette: orientation of courses
mavig_kursausrichtung (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
Master´s vignette: curriculum
mavig_curriculum (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
Master´s vignette: type of internship
mavig_praktikum (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
Master´s vignette: university ranking
mavig_ranking (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
Master´s vignette: teacher/student ratio
mavig_betreuung (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
Master´s vignette: tuition fees
mavig_gebuehren (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
Master´s vignette: average BA-grade required
mavig_note (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
Master´s vignette: language of instruction
mavig_sprache (numeric,
Contains data from these surveys:
The Student Survey in Germany (2021)