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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Question 19.1: 20th Social Survey Questionnaire 


Question Number:
Question Text:
How much money do you have available on average during the Summer Semester 2012? Please state the amount for each financial source. 
If you also support yourself through non-regular work (e.g. holiday work) or previous money earned (e.g. savings, investments) please only state the amount that you on average spent monthly. 
Please do not include direct payments from your partens/partner to third paties (e.g. rent transferred to your landlord). Please state these paymensts in question 20. If you recieve a loan to finance tuition fees, please state this in question 21. 
Question Type:
Finanzielle Situation im Sommersemester 2012 

Images of this Question

Previous Questions in Questionnaire

Question 18.1: 20th Social Survey Questionnaire 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Had you already successfully competed vocational trainig before your initial enrolement? 
Question 18.2: 20th Social Survey Questionnaire 
Question Type: Single Choice 
If yes: When did you complete this vocational training? 

Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire

Question 19.2: 20th Social Survey Questionnaire 
Question Type: Single Choice 
If you received a stipend. Please give tha name of the provider. 
Question 20: 20th Social Survey Questionnaire 
Question Type: Open 
How much money do you spend per month during the summer semester 2012 for the following items? 

Related Objects

Surveys Instruments Variables (15) Concepts
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financing: parents (in euros per month) 
fin01a (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
20th Social Survey (2012) 
financing: partner (in euros per month) 
fin01b (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
20th Social Survey (2012) 
financing: relatives, acquaintances (in euros per month) 
fin01c (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
20th Social Survey (2012) 
financing: student loan funding (in euros per month) 
fin01d (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
20th Social Survey (2012) 
financing: educational loan (in euros per month) 
fin01e (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
20th Social Survey (2012) 
financing: student loan KfW banking group (in euros per month) 
fin01f (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
20th Social Survey (2012) 
financing: loan from bank (excl. KfW) or Sparkasse (in euros per month) 
fin01g (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
20th Social Survey (2012) 
financing: own earnings (in euros per month) 
fin01h (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
20th Social Survey (2012) 
financing: savings (in euros per month) 
fin01i (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
20th Social Survey (2012) 
financing: orphan's pension, allowance (in euros per month) 
fin01j (numeric, ratio)
Contains data from these surveys: 
20th Social Survey (2012) 
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