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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Austria T+1 


Serial Number:

The population of a country includes all graduates five years after their Bachelor's or Master's degree (ISCED 6, ISCED 7) -- examination year 2012/2013. Graduates of Bachelor programmes at ISCED 5 level belong to the population if they have been completed at a higher education institution that also offers programmes that correspond to at least ISCED 6. Belonging to the population is independent of the current place of residence, previous education, previous matriculation status (full-time, part-time, distance learning), country of birth and nationality of the graduates.
Private universities were not included in the pilot study.

Survey Unit:
College Graduates 
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data 
Sampling Procedure:
Probability Sample: Stratified Sample 
Survey Method:
Computer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) 
Field Period:
Oct 17, 2018 - Jan 6, 2019
Gross Sample Size:
n = 6,667
Net Sample Size:
n = 1,120
Response Rate:
Geographic Coverage:

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