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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Nacaps 2018 - wave 2 (doctoral candidates) 


Serial Number:

Persons who were registered for a PhD/doctorate at a German university on the cut-off date 1 December 2018

Survey Unit:
Doctoral Candidates 
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data 
Sampling Procedure:
Total universe/Complete Enumeration 
Survey Method:
Standardised online survey 
Field Period:
Mar 18, 2020 - Jul 1, 2020
Gross Sample Size:
n = 17,394
Net Sample Size:
n = 9,519
Response Rate:
Geographic Coverage:

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Instruments Questions (147) Data Sets Variables Concepts
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Question A20: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - second wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
In the last survey, about a year ago, you gave the following information regarding the main supervisor of your PhD/doctorate: Did something change in the meantime?,In the last survey, about a year ago, you have not provided any information regarding the main supervisor of your PhD/doctorate, (yet). We therefore ask you some questions about this person.,In the last survey, about a year ago, you have already provided some information regarding the main supervisor of your PhD/doctorate. As a lot can change within one year, we would like to ask you some questions about this person again. 
Question A21: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - second wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
At what university/institution does your main supervisor (primarily) work? 
Question A22: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - second wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
What is the gender of your main supervisor? 
Question A23: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - second wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
What is the formal supervision status of your main supervisor? 
Question A24: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - second wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Please indicate the position of your supervisor 
Question A25: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - second wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Since the last survey, how often did you discuss your PhD/doctorate with your main supervisor? 
Question A26: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - second wave 
Question Type: Grid 
How do you perceive the behaviour of your main supervisor towards you? 
Question A27: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - second wave 
Question Type: Grid 
How satisfied are you … 
Question A28: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - second wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Apart from your satisfaction with the supervision: How likable a person is your main supervisor in your opinion? 
Question A29: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - second wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
Do you receive support from your university in complying with the rules of good scientific practice?,Did you receive support from your university in complying with the rules of good scientific practice during your PhD/doctorate? 
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