The Student Survey in Germany (2021)
Serial Number:
Students that have been enrolled in a state or state-recognized (private or ecclesiastical) higher education institution in the summer semester of 2021. Including students of distance learning and dual universities. Not including students of public administration colleges.
Survey Unit:
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Sampling Procedure:
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Gross Sample Size:
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Response Rate:
The 187,935 cases are an adjusted response number. They are available as analysable cases in the data package. Participation in the study was higher overall, but some of the respondents were directed to the European education monitoring survey EUROSTUDENT, which is not part of the data package. In addition - based on the standards of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) - cases were excluded where weaknesses in data quality (lack of central information, straightlining, speeding) were suspected. Further details can be found in the data and methods report.