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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

The Student Survey in Germany (2021) 


Serial Number:

Students that have been enrolled in a state or state-recognized (private or ecclesiastical) higher education institution in the summer semester of 2021. Including students of distance learning and dual universities. Not including students of public administration colleges.

Survey Unit:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data 
Sampling Procedure:
Probability Sample 
Survey Method:
Standardised online survey 
Field Period:
May 4, 2021 - Sep 19, 2021
Gross Sample Size:
n = 1,397,326
Net Sample Size:
n = 187,935
Response Rate:

The 187,935 cases are an adjusted response number. They are available as analysable cases in the data package. Participation in the study was higher overall, but some of the respondents were directed to the European education monitoring survey EUROSTUDENT, which is not part of the data package. In addition - based on the standards of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) - cases were excluded where weaknesses in data quality (lack of central information, straightlining, speeding) were suspected. Further details can be found in the data and methods report.

Geographic Coverage:

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Instruments Questions (304) Data Sets Variables Concepts
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Question D2_19: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Open 
During a typical 7-day week of the current semester: how many pages do you read on average to prepare for the courses that you attend? 
Question D2_21: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Item Set 
How satisfied are you – generally speaking – with the following aspects of your studies? 
Question B2_1: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Item Set 
What is your parents’ highest school-leaving certificate? 
Question B2_2b: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Single Choice 
What is your father’s occupational status? 
Question B2_2b2: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Single Choice 
What is your mother’s occupational status? 
Question B2_3a: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Item Set 
How many books do you estimate that you currently own and how many books did your parents own when you were a child? 
Question B2_6: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Item Set 
In terms of your relationship with your parents, to what extent do the following statements apply? 
Question B2_7: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Item Set 
How likely is it that someone in your circle of friends and acquaintances... 
Question B2_8a2: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Item Set 
In your opinion, how important is it to your parents that you… 
Question B2_9b: Questionnaire of "The Student Survey in Germany (2021)" 
Question Type: Item Set 
In your opinion, what is the average monthly net income in your profession with ... 
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81 - 90 of 304

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