# Release Notes for the Qualitative Partial Survey of the Project DEKiF (decquali) All notable changes to this data package will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog. ## Unreleased ## Errata ### Added ## [1.0.0] - 2023-04-11 (initial release date) - Data: - Added 7 Interview Transcripts from Expert Interviews with scientific staff in homogeneous and heterogeneous research clusters incl. context nformations, transcription conventions and rules (Case Study 1), download-SUF (DE) - Added 6 Interview Transcripts from Expert Interviews with staff from heterogeneous university-company research clusters incl. context informations, transcription conventions and rules (Case Study 2), download-SUF (DE) - Added 3 Transcripts from Focus Group Discussions incl. context informations, transcription conventions and rules (Case Study 2), download-SUF (DE) - Added Informed Consents for Interviews (DE) - Added Informed Consent for Focus Groups (DE) - Metadata: - Added data package metadata - Added survey metadata - Added instrument metadata - Added dataset metadata - Documents related to data package: - Added data and methods report (DE) - Added data package overview (DE) - Added data package overview (EN) - Added data use instructions (DE) ### Changed - Nothing, initial release ### Removed - Nothing, initial release ### Fixed - Nothing, initial release