# Release Notes for DZHW-Graduate Panel 2009 All notable changes to this data package will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog. ## Unreleased - Data of the in-depth surveys of wave 3 on the topics "mobility/job content" and "reconciling work and family life" ## Errata ## [2.0.0] - 2022-08-30 ### Added - wave 2: The "comparison figures" for the employment tableau and the "reference number" were included as service variables. - wave 3: The data and documentation materials of have been added. The data set has already been translated into English; the documentation materials (e.g. the questionnaire) are also available in English. - A larger sub-sample was drawn for the CUF (2/3 instead of 10%). - Notes for data users have been added. ### Changed - In version 1.0.1, the date of the questionnaire receipt was provided only via the on-site access. In version 2.0.0, the month and the year are also provided in the download- and remote-desktop-SUF. The following variables are affected: - asys01b_o becomes asys01b_d - asys01c_o becomes asys01c_d - bsys01b_o becomes bsys01b_d - bsys01c_o becomes bsys01c_d - The variable questionnaires of wave 1 and 2 have been updated. - The variable and dataset metadata of wave 1 and 2 have been updated. - The data and methods report has been updated. - The overview has been updated. ### Removed - Case deletion: Two cases were deleted due to duplication in the ID. ### Fixed - The value labels for codes 11 and 12 for variables aocc21_g3 and bocc21_g3v1 were corrected.