# Release Notes for the data set of 13th Social Survey 1991 All notable changes to this data package will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog. ## Unreleased ## Errata ## [1.0.0] - 2022-01-18 (initial release date) ### Added - Added individual data download SUF - based on data of the 13th social survey - Added data and methods report - Added questionnaire of the 13th social survey - Added questionnaire for students with children of the 13th social survey - Added variable questionnaire of the 13th social survey including variable questionnaire for students with children - Added coding list for federal state and region of study - Added coding list for subjects and subject groups according to official statistics - Added coding list for type, federal state and region of higher education institution - Added coding list postal codes, districts (GDR) and federal state if higher education entrance certification ### Changed - Nothing, initial release ### Removed - Nothing, initial release ### Fixed - Nothing, initial release