# Realeasenotes for Academic Career and Family (win2015) All notable changes to this data package will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog. ## [1.0.1] – 2019-09-24 ### Added - Data: download SUF - Added 11 transcripts download SUF (DE) - Added 11 interview memos (DE) - Added 11 biographical data (DE) - Added interview guideline (DE) - Added transcription guideline (DE) - Added sociodemographic questionnaire (DE) - Added informed consent (DE) - Added interview contact (DE) - Added project application (DE) - Added 4 transcripts download CUF (DE) - Metadata: - Added data package metadata - Added survey metadata - Added instrument metadata - Added dataset metadata - Documents related to data package: - Added citation guideline (DE/EN) - Added data and methods report (DE) - Added data package overview (DE) - Added data package overview (EN) ### Changed - The Scientific Use File (Version 1.0.0) previously consisted of three data package configurations, which contained different materials depending on their type and sensitivity and were made available via three different access paths (on-site, remote desktop and download). Now, all data and materials are combined in one data package and are made available as Download-SUF. - In addition, a Campus Use File (CUF) is provided for teaching purposes. This package contains 4 of the 11 transcripts, including the corresponding interview memos and couple and family biographical data as well as the other contextual materials (informed consent, interview contact-letter, project application, transcription guideline, interview guideline and the template for the sociodemographic questionnaire). - As a result of these changes, the data and methodods report has been updated. - In the course of this, more extensive changes and corrections were made to it by another data curator, so that the citation was supplemented by this person. ### Removed - Nothing ### Fixed - Nothing