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Data Package berbeo


Study Series:
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Sponsored by:
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
    Funding reference:
    Associated funding program:
    Förderschwerpunkt „Wissenschafts- und Hochschulforschung“ des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung; Förderlinie Qualitätsentwicklungen in der Wissenschaft I
Project Contributors:
Gerchen, Anna ORCID logo;
Walther, Lisa;
Kleimann, Bernd ORCID logo
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Qualitative Data
Data available in:
Data Curation:
İkiz-Akıncı, Dilek ORCID logo
1.0.0 (published at Nov 21, 2024)
Additional Links:
Allowed use cases:
  • scientific use
  • teaching purposes

Data Package Description

The project Monotoring Appointment Procedures (BerBeo) is a research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and carried out by the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies GmbH (DZHW). The project analysed (procedural) quality assurance in appointment procedures for professors at German (state) universities through officers for appointment procedures. Officers for appointment procedures are defined as persons who are responsible for the procedural quality assurance of appointment procedures for professors and – depending on the implementation of their position – may also perform other tasks to support the decision-making process in appointment matters.

The data package made available for secondary use is based on qualitative expert interviews conducted with officers for appointment procedures, chairs of appointment committees and members of university leadership. The interviews, which were conducted between November 2020 and November 2021, focus on the quality assurance of appointment procedures for professors at German universities. In addition to the establishment and implementation of the types of professorial and non-professorial officers for appointment procedures to assure the quality of the procedures, the underlying understanding of quality of the respective actors and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the running of the procedures were also discussed.
Besides 10 interviews with officers for appointment procedures, 7 interviews with chairs of appointment committees and 7 interviews with members of university leaderships, the data package includes the interview guidelines, as well as the transcription guide, the cover letters used for field access, the data protection information and the declaration of consent to data protection.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Daten- und Methodenbericht des Datenpakets "Interviewdaten des Projekts BerBeo"  The report includes general information on the data package.  German link berbeo_Data-Methods_Report_de.pdf
Interviewdaten des Projekts BerBeo  Data Package Overview  German link_off berbeo_Overview_de.pdf
Interview Data of the BerBeo project  Data Package Overview  English link_off berbeo_Overview_en.pdf
Release Notes  The release notes contain information about the current version and changes compared to previous versions.  English link_off

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Qualitative Data, Interview Guideline-based expert interviews 
Population: The sampling is based on the population of universities at which the position of officers for appointment procedures is implemented. All state-funded German universities as well as Higher Education Institutions with equivalent status and the right to award... 
Sampling Procedure: Non-probability Sample: Purposive Sample 
Field Period: Nov 1, 2020 - Nov 30, 2021
Qualitative Data, Interview Guideline-based expert interviews 
Population: The sampling is based on the population of universities at which the position of officers for appointment procedures is implemented. All state-funded German universities as well as Higher Education Institutions with equivalent status and the right to award... 
Sampling Procedure: Non-probability Sample: Purposive Sample 
Field Period: Nov 1, 2020 - Nov 30, 2021
Qualitative Data, Interview Guideline-based expert interviews 
Population: The sampling is based on the population of universities at which the position of officers for appointment procedures is implemented. All state-funded German universities as well as Higher Education Institutions with equivalent status and the right to award... 
Sampling Procedure: Non-probability Sample: Purposive Sample 
Field Period: Nov 1, 2020 - Nov 30, 2021
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