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Data Package egr2018


Study Series:
Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA); German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW); Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS); Agency for Science and Higher Education of Croatia (ASHE); cApStAn linguistic quality control (cApStAn); Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES); DESAN Research Solutions (DESAN); Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb (UZ); GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS); Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA); National Commission for Further and Higher Education of Malta (NCFHE); Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU); Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (UPSPS)
Sponsored by:
  • European Commission
Project Contributors:
Maurer, Sigi;
Unger, Martin;
Jühlke, Robert;
Meng, Christoph;
Mühleck, Kai;
Oelker, Stefanie;
van der Velden, Rolf;
Wessling, Katarina
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data Curation:
Hoffstätter, Ute;
Wallis, Marten;
Niebuhr, Johanna
2.0.0 (published at Jul 12, 2021)

To ensure comparability of the data, the EUROGRADUATE pilot survey strived for as much standardization in data collection methods as possible. At the same time, data collection methods needed to correspond to the different starting conditions in the countries. Countries varied considerably e.g. regarding the availability and quality of population data, the availability and quality of contact information of the graduates, or the readiness of higher education institutions to participate in the survey. Despite all efforts, differences in survey conditions between countries may have led to differences in the quality of the data between countries. Researchers using the data are advised to see if any limitations are imposed on their analyses by carefully taking note of the descriptions of the data collection in the pilot countries provided in documentation of the data as well as of additional information provided in the report "Technical assessment of the EUROGRADUATE pilot survey" (Mühleck et al. 2020).

Data Package Description

The EUROGRADUATE survey is a one-off pilot survey of higher education graduates of the cohorts 2016/17 and 2012/13 in eight European countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Malta, and Norway). The pilot project aims at laying the foundation for a Europe-wide graduate survey. The survey provides insights into the experiences of European graduates during their studies and the impact on their professional lives and their lives as European citizens. Graduates were surveyed one year (t +1, cohort 2016/17) or five years (t +5, cohort 2012/13) after graduation. The main topics of the EUROGRADUATE pilot survey are: labour market relevance, skills, (international) mobility, political participation, and further studies. The results alllow comparing different higher education systems in Europe as well as analysing country-specific processes of vocational and social integration of higher education graduates.

At the European level, these data can be used to monitor progress towards the European Higher Education Area and, where appropriate, to identify areas where investment should be increased and resources expanded.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
EUROGRADUATE Pilot Survey 2018  Data and Methods Report on the EUROGRADUATE Pilot. Survey conducted in 2018/2019  English link_off egr2018_MethodsReport_en.pdf
EUROGRADUATE Pilot Survey 2018. Overview of the EUROGRADUATE Pilot Survey conducted in 2018/2019  Study Overview  English link_off egr2018_Overview_en.pdf
Citation Guideline of the EUROGRADUATE Pilot Survey 2018  Citation Guideline  English link_off egr2018_Citation_Guideline.pdf
EUROGRADUATE Pilot Survey. Technical assessment and feasibility of a full rollout  Technical Assessment  English link_off NC0220240ENN.en.pdf
Release Notes  changelog  English link_off


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  Eurograduate-Core Questionnaire )t+1)  English  link_off EurograduateT1.pdf
Questionnaire  Eurograduate-Core Questionnaire (t+5)  English  link_off EurograduateT5.pdf
Questionnaire  Austria: Eurograduate-Questionnaire  German  link_off Austria_including_numbers.xls
Questionnaire  Czechia: Eurograduate-Questionnaire  English  link_off Czechia_including_numbers.xls
Questionnaire  Germany: Eurograduate-Questionnaire  English  link_off Germany_including_numbers.xls
Questionnaire  Greece: Eurograduate-Questionnaire  English  link_off Greece_including_numbers.xls
Questionnaire  Croatia: Eurograduate-Questionnaire  English  link_off Croatia_including_numbers.xls
Questionnaire  Lithuania: Eurograduate-Questionnaire  English  link_off Lithuania_including_numbers.xls
Questionnaire  Malta: Eurograduate-Questionnaire  English  link_off Malta_including_numbers.xls
Questionnaire  Norway: Eurograduate-Questionnaire  Norwegian  link_off Norway_including_numbers.xls
Other  project-specific reference list for countries, aggregated countries (according to NEPS, adjustments for Europe) and world regions  English  link_off cl-dzhw-39.xlsx

Data Sets

Title Description Document Language DOI File
EUROGRADUATE pilot survey 2018  Codebook  English link_off egr2018_codebook_en.pdf

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