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Data Package est2016


Friederike Schlücker, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Bamberg
Sponsored by:
  • Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS), University of Bamberg. Funded by the German excellence initiative.
Project Contributors:
Schlücker, Friederike
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data available in:
Data Curation:
Daniel, Andreas
1.0.0 (published at Dec 18, 2020)

The project comprises two waves, the first one is published as SUF

Data Package Description

Students at different universities in Germany were surveyed in 2016 about their study success in the study called "Studying successfully" (Erfolgreich Studieren, (Estud)). The study focusses on explanatory mechanisms of primary effects (social class achievement gaps in university grades) in higher education. The questionnaire comprises items on motivation, competency beliefs, social integration in the academic field, study habits and environmental conditions of students. Students from 18 universities in 11 federal states of Germany took part in the web survey. While the first wave focusses on a variety of different theoretical constructs for students with some study experience, the subsequent second wave is aimed at collecting those constructs for the first waves' first semester students. Additionally, some time variant items were administered to the entire population of the second wave.
Currently, the first wave of Estud is available as SUF.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Übersicht zu Erfolgreich studieren  Overview of Studying Successfully (german)  German link_off est2016_Overview_de.pdf
Overview of Studying Successfully  Overview of Studying Successfully (english)  English link_off est2016_Overview_en.pdf
Citation Guideline Studying Successfully (de/en)  Citation Guideline Studying Successfully  English link_off estud_CitationGuideline_de_en.pdf
Release Notes Studying Successfully  Release Notes (changelog) of Studying Successfully  English link_off


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  deployed survey instrument including question flow  German  link_off Fragebogen_Estud_Welle_1.pdf

Data Sets

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Anonymisierungen Estud Welle 1  Overview which variables were anonymized to which degree for Estud wave 1  German link_off Anonymisierung_Estud_Welle_1.pdf
Codebook Estud Welle 1  Codebook inluding question flow and matching variables and question numbers Estud wave 1  German link_off Codebook_Estud_Welle_1.pdf
Fallbereinigung Estud Welle 1  Description of deleted cases from the original dataset to create the SUF Estud Welle 1  German link_off Fallbereingung_Estud_Welle_1.pdf
Konzeption Datenplausibilisierung Estud Welle 1  Description of data corrections in the SUF Estud wave 1  German link_off Konzeption_Plausibilisierung_Estud_Welle_1.pdf
Missing Definitionen Estud Welle 1  Definition of different missing values in Estud dataset wave 1  German link_off Missing_Definitionen_Estud_Welle_1.pdf

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