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Data Package motivesopenscience


Hamburg University of Technology
Sponsored by:
  • No funding
Project Contributors:
Röwert, Ronny ORCID logo
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Qualitative Data
Data available in:
Data Curation:
İkiz-Akıncı, Dilek ORCID logo
1.0.0 (published at Oct 16, 2023)

Data Package Description

In the course of the science policy agenda for the increased establishment of open science approaches in the last two decades, prizes and awards have also been developed and presented for this field of action. As part of a full survey of open science award winners in the German science system, qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with this target group between September and December 2021, the transcripts of which are made available here for further scientific reuse. The transcribed data material was collected through episodic narrative interview forms supplemented by visual laddering techniques.
For higher education research and science studies in especially, the data package offers methodological and content-related potential for further use. In this way, different questions of science and higher education research can be derived in depth in the context of central motive structures, incentive constellations and influencing factors for the anchoring of open science practices. Methodologically, the testing of the laddering interview technique for the first time in this subject area offers possibilities for reconstructing the motives and interests of higher education actors. In terms of content, corresponding award winners were interviewed for the first time for the object of study of open science practices, and a variety of questions about individual, institutional and technical factors in the context of the anchoring of open science practices can be newly applied to the data set.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Daten- und Methodenbericht zum Datenpaket „Motive, Anreize und Einflussfaktoren für die Verankerung von Open-Science-Praktiken“  The report includes information on the project, the methodological approach and data preparation.  German link_off motivesopenscience_DataMethods_Report_de.pdf
Motive, Anreize und Einflussfaktoren für Open-Science-Praktiken unter Open-Science-Preisträger*innen  Data Package Overview  German link_off motivesopenscience_Overview_de.pdf
Motives, incentives and influencing factors for open science practices among open science award winners  Data Package Overview  English link_off motivesopenscience_Overview_en.pdf
Datennutzungshinweise  Data Use Instructions for the data package  German link_off motivesopenscience_DataUseInstructions_de.pdf
Release Notes  The release notes contain information about the current version and changes compared to previous versions.  English link_off



Type Description Document Language DOI File
Other  Interview guide  German  link_off motivesopenscience_Interview_Guideline.docx

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