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Data Package profale

Two-wave panel of Hamburg primary school students in the bachelor’s phase 


Hamburg University
Sponsored by:
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
    Associated funding program:
    Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung
Project Contributors:
Prof. Dr. Kaiser, Gabriele;
Prof. Dr. Arnold, Eva
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data available in:
Data Curation:
Prof. Dr. Doll, Jörg;
Sommer, Dennis
1.0.0 (published at Apr 19, 2024)
Allowed use cases:
  • scientific use

Data Package Description

The project examines the introduction of the new degree program for elementary school teachers (LAGS) and special education teachers (LAS-G) at Universität Hamburg in the winter semester 2020/21. The first two cohorts in the years 2020-2023 were surveyed. Participation in the study was voluntary.It is a longitudinal study with two measurement points, a baseline measurement at the beginning of the winter semester 2020/21 or winter semester 2021/22 and a second measurement after four semesters at the end of the summer semester 2022 or 2023. Since it is compulsory for most students in the LAGS to study the subjects German and mathematics, a measurement of characteristics with regard to these two subjects took place at both measurement points. For this purpose, separate subject-specific online surveys were conducted for German and mathematics, which recorded similar constructs using similar instruments.
The data from the baseline measurement and the measurement after four semesters were linked to form a data set using an anonymous personal code generated by the students. Variables were collected in the areas of socio-demographic characteristics, students' study potential, study success criteria and study behavior.
These are the following study success criteria, which are mentioned as examples for the subject German, but were also collected analogously for the subject mathematics: Subject knowledge of German, knowledge of German didactics, academic self-concept with regard to studying German, enthusiasm for German as a subject, self-efficacy in teaching German and satisfaction with courses in German. The intention to drop out of university was also surveyed.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Release Notes  The release notes contain information about the current version and changes compared to previous versions.  German link_off


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Other  Documentation Instruments ProfaLe  English  link_off profale_Tabelle_Instrumente.pdf

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