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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

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Data Package ssypool


Study Series:
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Sponsored by:
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project Contributors:
Apolinarski, Beate;
Becker, Karsten;
Borchert, Lars;
Bornkessel, Philipp;
Brandt, Tasso;
Fabian, Gregor;
Heißenberg, Sonja;
Isserstedt, Wolfgang;
Kandulla, Maren;
Leszczensky, Michael;
Link, Judith;
Middendorff, Elke;
Netz, Nicolai;
Poskowsky, Jonas;
Schnitzer, Klaus;
Weber, Steffen;
Wolter, Andrä;
Schreiber, Jochen;
Schröder, Manuela;
Müßig-Trapp, Peter;
Kahle, Irene;
Narten, Renate
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data available in:
Data Curation:
Middendorff, Elke;
Wallis, Marten;
Euler, Thorsten ORCID logo
3.1.0 (published at Sep 10, 2024)

Pooled data set of the twelve student surveys.

Additional Links:

Data Package Description

The Social Survey is a series of surveys on the economic and social situation of students in Germany that has been in existence since 1951. At three- to four-year intervals, a cross-section of students is surveyed on aspects of university access, structural features of study, social and economic situation, including income and cost of living, employment, housing situation, and socio-demographic characteristics such as ethnic and social origin, partnership status and parenthood. The data package includes data from the core set of the 10th to 21st Social Survey (1982-2016). The twelve individual scientific use files available at the FDZ-DZHW were pooled in an complex data preparation process to form an integrated dataset, which now enables elaborate time series analysis procedures on the aspects covered.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
10. - 21. Sozialerhebung. Daten- und Methodenbericht zum gepoolten Datensatz der fünf Studierendenbefragung 1982 - 2016  The report includes data usage notes, explains the data preparation process, and describes the variables in the data set.  German link_off ssypool_MethodReport_de.pdf
10. - 21. Sozialerhebung. Übersicht zum gepoolten Datensatz der zwölf Studierendenbefragungen 1982-2016  Overview of the datapackage  German link_off ssypool_Overview_de.pdf
10th – 21st Social Survey. Overview of the pooled data set of the twelve student surveys 1982 -2016.  Overview of the datapackage  English link_off ssypool_Overview_en.pdf
10. - 21. Sozialerhebung. Dokumentation der Variablen-Harmonisierung und Übersicht aller Variablen im gepoolten Datensatz der 10. - 21. Sozialerhebung (1982- 2016)  Documentation of variable harmonization and overview of all variables for the pooled data set of the 10th - 21st social survey  German link_off Dokumenation_Harmonisierung_ssypoolv3.pdf
Bundesland und Region des Studiums  Coding list for federal state and region of study  German link_off cl-dzhw-71.xlsx
Hochschulen: Name Art und Region  Coding list for the sample universities of the 10th-21st Social Survey: type and region of university according to official statistics  German link_off cl-dzhw-72.xlsx
Release Notes 10th - 21st Social Survey (1982 - 2016)  Release Notes 10th - 21st Social Survey (1982- 2016)  English link_off
Die Sozialerhebungen des Deutschen Studentenwerks 1951 – 2016  A historical overview of actors, methods, topics and project-related publications of the survey series  German link_off SE_History_1-21_Sept22.pdf
Hinweise für Datennutzende/Notes for data users  Citation Guideline  German link_off Notes_for_Data_Users.pdf



Type Description Document Language DOI File
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 17th Social Survey in the pooled SUF 10th-21st Social Survey  German  link_off ssy17_VariablesQuestionnaire_ssypoolv3.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 18th Social Survey in the pooled SUF 10th-21st Social Survey  German  link_off ssy18_VariablesQuestionnaire_ssypoolv3.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 19th Social Survey in the pooled SUF 10th-21st Social Survey  German  link_off ssy19_VariablesQuestionnaire_ssypoolv3.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 20th Social Survey in the pooled SUF 10th-21st Social Survey  German  link_off ssy20_VariablesQuestionnaire_ssypoolv3.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 21st Social Survey in the pooled SUF 10th-21st Social Survey  German  link_off ssy21_VariablesQuestionnaire_ssypoolv3.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 16th Social Survey in the pooled SUF 13th-21st Social Survey  German  link_off ssypoolv2_16_Var_FB.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 15th Social Survey in the pooled SUF 13th-21st Social Survey  German  link_off ssypoolv2_15_Var_FB.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 14th Social Survey in the pooled SUF 13th-21st Social Survey  German  link_off ssypoolv2_14_Var_FB.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 13th Social Survey in the pooled SUF 13th-21st Social Survey  German  link_off ssypoolv2_13_Var_FB.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 10th social survey in the pooled SUF 10th-21st social survey.  German  link_off ssy10_VariablesQuestionnaire_ssypoolv3.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 11th social survey in the pooled SUF 10th-21st social survey  German  link_off ssy11_VariablesQuestionnaire_ssypoolv3.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  Questionnaire with the variable names of the 12th social survey in the pooled SUF 10th-21st social survey  German  link_off ssy12_VariablesQuestionnaire_ssypoolv3.pdf

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