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Data Package win2015

Academic Career and Family. Qualitative Inquiry of the DZHW Study WiNbus 


Study Series:
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Sponsored by:
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project Contributors:
Schürmann, Ramona;
Sembritzki, Thorben
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Qualitative Data
Data Curation:
Beširović, Adisa;
Sembritzki, Thorben;
Thiele, Lisa;
İkiz-Akıncı, Dilek
1.0.1 (published at Oct 24, 2019)

Data Package Description

The present study has been conducted as a sub-study of the WiNbus study “Academic Career and Family” within the scope of the project “WiNbus – An Online Panel among Young Academics in Germany” funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The partial study investigated the compatibility of professional career and family life of young academics. The study focused on how conflicts of objectives between professional and private commitment can be managed as well as on the influence of the structures of the academic system on the careers of researchers. This dual perspective on structural and actor-specific characteristics made it possible to obtain information on success or failure to integrate both aspects of life, and to identify the relevant support opportunities.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Daten- und Methodenbericht  Data and Methods Report of the Qualitative Inquiry of the DZHW Study WiNbus 2015  German link_off win2015_Data-Methods_Report.pdf
Datenpaketübersicht  Data Package Overview of the Qualitative Inquiry of the DZHW Study WiNbus 2015  German link_off win2015_Overview_de.pdf
Data Package Overview  Data Package Overview of the Qualitative Inquiry of the DZHW Study WiNbus 2015  English link_off win2015_Overview_en.pdf
Zitationsanleitung  Citation Guideline of the Qualitative Inquiry of the DZHW Study WiNbus 2015  German link_off win2015_Citation_Guideline.pdf
Release Notes  The release notes contain information about the current version and changes compared to previous versions.  German link_off

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