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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Questionnaire of the DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 


Fifth nationwide survey on doctorate conditions and career development of doctorate holders from the 2014 examination cohort 

Documents related to the Instrument

Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument  German  link_off phd2014_W5_Questionnaire_de.pdf  
Question Flow  visualization of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions (fifth wave)  German  link_off phd2014_W5_QuestionFlow_de.pdf  
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set  German  link_off phd2014_W5_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf  
Other  Literature on secondary used instruments  German  link_off phd2014_literature_secondary_used_instruments_de.pdf  

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Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 
Job 1: Endjahr 
c5taet1jend (numeric, interval)
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DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 
Job 1: laeuft noch 
c5taet1lnoc (numeric, nominal)
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DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 
Job 1: Berufliche Stellung 
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DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 
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c5taet1wazhau (numeric, ratio)
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DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 
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c5taet1az (numeric, nominal)
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DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 
Job 1: Vertraglich vereinbarte Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit mit Std./Woche 
c5taet1stdvz (numeric, ratio)
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DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 
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c5taet1stdtz (numeric, ratio)
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DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 
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DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 
Job 1: Wissenschaftliche Taetigkeit 
c5taet1wiss (numeric, nominal)
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DZHW PhD Panel 2014 - fifth wave 
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