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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Questionnaire of the 21st Social Survey - international students 


The economic and social situation of students 2016 

Documents related to the Instrument

Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument (German version)  German  link_off ssy21_ba_Questionnaire_de.pdf  
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument (English version)  English  link_off ssy21_ba_Questionnaire_en.pdf  
Question Flow  visualisation of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions  German  link_off ssy21_ba_QuestionFlow_de.pdf  
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set (German version)  German  link_off ssy21_ba_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf  
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set (English version)  English  link_off ssy21_ba_VariableQuestionnaire_en.pdf  
Other  Overview of the generated variables  German  link_off ssy21_ba_GeneratedVariables_de.pdf  
Other  Destatis-Fächersystematik Wintersemester 2015/2016  German  link_off cl-destatis-studienfach-2016.pdf  
Other  Hochschulen nach Destatis-Schlüsselverzeichnis für die Studenten- und Prüfungsstatistik (WiSe 2015/2016 und SoSe 2016), Schl.2.2  German  link_off cl-destatis-hochschule-2016.xls  
Other  Destatis-Staats- und Gebietssystematik von 2012  German  link_off cl-destatis-ausland-2012.xlsx  
Other  Referenzliste für Länder (gemäß Destatis), aggr. Länder (gemäß NEPS) und Weltregionen  German  link_off cl-dzhw-26.xlsx  
Other  Referenzliste für Studienfächer, Studienbereiche (gemäß Destatis), Fächergruppen (gemäß Destatis)  German  link_off cl-dzhw-27.xlsx  
Other  projekteigene Referenzliste für Studienfächer, Studiengattungen, Fächergruppen  German  link_off cl-dzhw-28.xlsx  

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current study situation 
stsiteig (numeric, ordinal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
21st social survey (2016) - international students 
current economic situation 
stwirteig (numeric, ordinal)
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21st social survey (2016) - international students 
country of acquisition of higher ed. entrance qualification 
vsbdeba (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
21st social survey (2016) - international students 
german nationality 
dnatdeu (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
21st social survey (2016) - international students 
other nationality 
dnatausl (numeric, nominal)
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21st social survey (2016) - international students 
intention to graduate in Germany 
sabsabsba (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
21st social survey (2016) - international students 
pursued degree 
sabsanba_r (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
21st social survey (2016) - international students 
main subject area 
sfachba_g1o (numeric, nominal)
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21st social survey (2016) - international students 
second subject area 
sfach2ba_g1o (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
21st social survey (2016) - international students 
second subject area (soft reminder) 
sfachoba (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
21st social survey (2016) - international students 
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