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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Question 1.1: Questionnaire of the DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (third wave, main survey) 


Question Number:
Question Text:
Which of the following occupations are you currently practising? 
(Multiple answers possible, please check where appropriate.) 
Question Type:
Multiple Choice 

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Previous Questions in Questionnaire

Question index.1: Questionnaire of the DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (third wave, main survey) 
Question Type: Multiple Choice 
Dear graduate, We are pleased that you are taking part in the third survey of the 2004/2005 graduate year. The questionnaire is divided into different thematic sections on your career after your studies. If possible, please answer each question. You give your answer by selecting the respective box. You will be informed of any special features that may help you answer a question or several possible answers. Answering the questionnaire, depending on your personal life situation, takes between 5 and 15 minutes. You can stop the questionnaire at any time and continue answering it at a later point in time. Consent: Of course your participation is voluntary. All data from the previous and current survey waves will be used exclusively for research purposes. They will only be made available to other scientists and students for scientific analyses in anonymous form. Your contact data will not be passed on to third parties and will only be used within the framework of this research series., I agree to the participation in the survey and the described use of my data., If you have any questions regarding data protection, please contact our data protection officer, Mr. Martin Fuchs (+49 (0)511 450 670-491; email: ). Further information on data protection can also be found here. 

Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire

Question 2.1: Questionnaire of the DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (third wave, main survey) 
Question Type: Single Choice 
How would you describe your current occupation/situation? 

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Surveys Instruments Variables (38) Concepts
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current occupation: temporary work 
cocc37b (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (Bachelor) 
current occupation: traineeship 
cocc37q (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (Bachelor) 
current occupation: traineeship in a law firm/school, trainee clerical assistant 
cocc37d (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (Bachelor) 
current occupation: internship 
cocc37c (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (Bachelor) 
current occupation: vocational training 
cocc37r (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (Bachelor) 
current occupation: student 
cocc37g (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (Bachelor) 
current occupation: PhD student 
cocc37h (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (Bachelor) 
current occupation: postdoctoral qualification 
cocc37i (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (Bachelor) 
current occupation: postdoctoral fellow 
cocc37j (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (Bachelor) 
current occupation: job search 
cocc37k (numeric, nominal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (Bachelor) 
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