Question 24h.1: Questionnaire of the DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (third wave, main survey)
Question Number:
Question Text:
In the following we ask you for a more detailed description of the various occupations which you had in the year 2010 and thereafter. Please include work which began earlier if it continued in 2010.
Please provide information on all employment, i.e. regular employment, including self-employment, traineeships in a school/law firm etc. (Referendariat), times as a trainee etc., contracts for work or jobs. Always use a new page if you changed your employer or the company, took up employment after an interruption or if there were changes to the listed features of the job. Please assign a different letter for each company you have worked for (also for company takeover). For self-employment please enter an “S”. If a company appears multiple times in the tableau please use the same letter each time.
Question Type:
Item Set
Images of this Question
1280 x 720 (Depending on the screen resolution, the question was displayed differently.)
Previous Questions in Questionnaire
Question 24g.1: Questionnaire of the DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (third wave, main survey)
Question Type:
Item Set
In the following we ask you for a more detailed description of the various occupations which you had in the year 2010 and thereafter. Please include work which began earlier if it continued in 2010. Have you pursued any other occupational activities?
Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire
Question 25.1: Questionnaire of the DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (third wave, main survey)
Question Type:
Single Choice
Have you participated in specialist lectures or trade fairs in the last 12 months with the aim of further professional training or further education?
Related Objects
Quantitative Data, Standardised online survey
Higher eduaction graduates of traditional courses of study, who completed their first professionally recognised degree in the winter semester of 2004-05 or in the summer semester of 2005 at a state approved institution of higher education in the Federal R...
Sampling Procedure:
Mixed probability and non-probability Sample
Field Period:
Apr 14, 2016 - Jun 7, 2016
Quantitative Data, Standardised online survey
Higher education graduates with a bachelor's degree, who completed their first professionally recognised degree in the winter semester of 2004-05 or in the summer semester of 2005 at a state approved institution of higher education in the Federal Republic ...
Sampling Procedure:
Non-probability Sample: Purposive Sample
Field Period:
Apr 14, 2016 - Jun 7, 2016