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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Question D15.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 


Question Number:
Question Text:
Please think about your physical health – this includes physical illnesses and injuries. On how many days during the last four weeks did you not feel physically well? 
Question Type:
Personal life situation and career goals 

The instrument is based on the Healthy Days Measures (CDC HRQOL-4) by Moriarty, D.G., Zack, M.M. & Kobau, R. (2003)

Images of this Question

Please think about your physical health – this includes physical illnesses and injuries. On how many days during the last four weeks did you not feel physically well?
Resolution: 1200 x 1024 (Depending on the screen resolution, the question was displayed differently.)

Previous Questions in Questionnaire

Question D14.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Single Choice 
We would like to ask questions on health and possible impairments. This information provides important indicators on the distribution of health restrictions amongst doctoral candidates. The data also provide indications as to how conditions can be improved for doctoral candidates with health issues. 

Subsequent Questions in Questionnaire

Question D16.1: Questionnaire of Nacaps 2018 - first wave 
Question Type: Open 
Please think about your mental well-being – this also includes stress, depression or your overall mood. On how many days during the last four weeks did you not feel mentally well? 

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Healthy Days Measures (CDC HRQOL-4) 
Moriarty, David; Zack, Matthew; Kobau, Rosemarie
The short form of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Healthy Days Measures (CDC-HRQOL-4; HRQOL=health-related quality of life) is a sub-module of the CDC-HRQOL-14 and contains four questions that respondents can use to assess their own physic... 
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