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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Estud instrument for the first wave 


Studying successfully (Estud) 
Original Languages:

Documents related to the Instrument

Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  deployed survey instrument including question flow  German  link_off Fragebogen_Estud_Welle_1.pdf  

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Surveys (1) Questions Data Sets Variables Concepts
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Quantitative Data, Computer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) 
Population: Students, who were enrolled in the winter term 2015/16 or summer term 2016 respectively at one of the 18 participating state or state-recognized resarch universities in Germany. Excluded were research universities with a special focus on music, the arts, s... 
Sampling Procedure: Total universe/Complete Enumeration 
Field Period: Jan 11, 2016 - Jun 1, 2016
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