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Logo des Forschungsdatenzentrums des Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung

Questionnaire of the DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (third wave, main survey) 


Ten years after graduation 

Documents related to the Instrument

Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  ap­plied sur­vey in­stru­ment  German  link_off gra2005_W3_Main_Questionnaire_de.pdf  
Questionnaire  eng­lish trans­la­tion of the ger­man ques­tion­naire  English  link_off gra2005_W3_Main_Questionnaire_en.pdf  
Question Flow  vi­su­al­i­sa­tion of the sur­vey pro­ce­dures con­trolled by fil­ter ques­tions  German  link_off gra2005_W3_Main_QuestionFlow_de.pdf  
Question Flow  vi­su­al­i­sa­tion of the sur­vey pro­ce­dures con­trolled by fil­ter ques­tions  English  link_off gra2005_W3_Main_QuestionFlow_en.pdf  
Variable Questionnaire  map­ping be­tween ques­tions of the sur­vey in­stru­ment and vari­ables of the data set  German  link_off gra2005_W3_Main_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf  
Other  doc­u­men­ta­tion of the flag vari­able for parental leave  German  link_off gra2005_W3_Documentation_Flag-Variable_ParentalLeave_de.pdf  
Other  doc­u­men­ta­tion of the flag vari­able for parental leave  English  link_off gra2005_W3_Documentation_Flag-Variable_ParentalLeave_en.pdf  
Other  doc­u­men­ta­tion of com­par­i­son fig­ure  German  link_off gra2005_W2-3_Documentation_ComparisonFigure_de.pdf  
Other  doc­u­men­ta­tion of com­par­i­son fig­ure  English  link_off gra2005_W2-3_Documentation_ComparisonFigure_en.pdf  
Other  De­sta­tis-Bun­des­land­schlüs­sel, ent­spre­chend der ers­ten bei­den Zif­fern des Amt­li­chen Ge­mein­de­schlüs­sels (AGS)  German  link_off cl-destatis-bundesland-1990.xlsx  
Other  De­sta­tis-Staats- und Ge­biets­sys­te­ma­tik von 2016  German  link_off cl-destatis-ausland-2016.pdf  
Other  TER­CET NUTS-pos­tal codes matching ta­bles 2010  German  link_off cl-eurostat-deplznuts-2010.xlsx  
Other  De­sta­tis-Schlüs­sel­ver­zeich­nis­ für die "Klas­si­fi­zie­rung der Be­ru­fe (KldB)" von 2010  German  link_off cl-destatis-kldb-2010.xls  

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present: time management 
cski03p (numeric, ordinal)
Contains data from these surveys: 
DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (graduates of traditional courses of study) 
present: application of knowledge 
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DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (graduates of traditional courses of study) 
present: interdisciplinary thinking 
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DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (graduates of traditional courses of study) 
present: intercultural competence 
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DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (graduates of traditional courses of study) 
present: independent working 
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DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (graduates of traditional courses of study) 
present: taking responsibility 
cski03u (numeric, ordinal)
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DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (graduates of traditional courses of study) 
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DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (graduates of traditional courses of study) 
present: problem-solving ability 
cski03w (numeric, ordinal)
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DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (graduates of traditional courses of study) 
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DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (graduates of traditional courses of study) 
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DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 - third wave, main survey (graduates of traditional courses of study) 
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