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Data Package phd2014

DZHW PhD Panel 2014 


German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Sponsored by:
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Berlin (BMBF)
Project Contributors:
Brandt, Gesche;
Briedis, Kolja;
de Vogel, Susanne;
Jaksztat, Steffen;
Kovalova, Iryna;
Lapstich, Anne-Marie;
Teichmann, Carola
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Quantitative Data
Data Curation:
Lange, Kerstin;
Scheller, Percy;
Vietgen, Sandra;
Wallis, Marten
4.0.0 (published at Oct 30, 2020)

Data Package Description

The DZHW Panel Study: Careers of PhD Holders 2014 is a panel study of the DZHW concerning the careers of doctoral graduates. The study analyses how the formal context as well as the learning and development conditions that PhD graduates experienced during their doctorate studies influence the transition into employment and the further development of their professional career, both within as well as outside academia. The basic population comprises all persons who obtained a doctorate degree from a higher education institution with the right to award doctorates in Germany in the examination year of 2014. The panel is designed as a census in order to generate a sufficiently high number of cases. Apart from basic data for the education report, the data set includes detailed information on the learning and development conditions during the doctorate studies as well as the career path of PhD holders after graduation. The data set also includes a range of personality traits (Big Five, self-efficacy, internal/external locus of control) together with background information on sociographic and educational biography.

Documents related to this Data Package

Data Package

Title Description Document Language DOI File
DZHW Promoviertenpanel 2014 - Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Promoviertenkohorte 2014 (Befragungswelle 1-5); Version 4.0.0  Data and Methods Report  German link_off phd2014_MethodReport_W1-5_de.pdf
DZHW-Promoviertenpanel 2014 - Übersicht zum DZHW-Promoviertenpanel 2014 (1. bis 5. Befragungswelle)  Data Package Overview  German link_off phd2014_Overview_de.pdf
DZHW Promoviertenpanel 2014 - Overview of the DZHW PhD Panel 2014 (1st to 5th wave)  Data Package Overview  English link_off phd2014_Overview_en.pdf
Zitationsanleitung zum Promoviertenpanel 2014 (1.-5. Befragungswelle) / Citation Guideline of the PhD Panel 2014 (1st to 5th survey wave)  Citation Guideline  English link_off phd2014_CitationGuideline_de_en.pdf
Release Notes  changelog  English link_off


Type Description Document Language DOI File
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument  German  link_off phd2014_W1_Questionnaire_de.pdf
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument  German  link_off phd2014_W2_Questionnaire_de.pdf
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument  German  link_off phd2014_W3_Questionnaire_de.pdf
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument  German  link_off phd2014_W4_Questionnaire_de.pdf
Questionnaire  applied survey instrument  German  link_off phd2014_W5_Questionnaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set  German  link_off phd2014_W1_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set  German  link_off phd2014_W2_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set  German  link_off phd2014_W3_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set  German  link_off phd2014_W4_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf
Variable Questionnaire  mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set  German  link_off phd2014_W5_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf
Question Flow  visualisation of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions  German  link_off phd2014_W1_QuestionFlow_de.pdf
Question Flow  visualisation of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions  German  link_off phd2014_W2_QuestionFlow_de.pdf
Question Flow  visualization of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions (third wave)  German  link_off phd2014_W3_QuestionFlow_de.pdf
Question Flow  visualization of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions (fourth wave)  German  link_off phd2014_W4_QuestionFlow_de.pdf
Question Flow  visualization of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions (fifth wave)  German  link_off phd2014_W5_QuestionFlow_de.pdf
Other  Lit­er­a­ture on sec­ondary used in­stru­ments  German  link_off phd2014_literature_secondary_used_instruments_de.pdf
Other  Destatis: Classification of States and territories 2014  German  link_off 2014_Staats-_und_Gebietssystematik.pdf
Other  Destatis: Key list of student and examination statistics 2015/16  German  link_off cl-destatis-hochschule-2016.xls
Other  Destatis: Classification of occupations 2010  German  link_off cl-destatis-kldb-2010.xls

Data Sets

Title Description Document Language DOI File
Datensatzreport: Personendatensatz Promoviertenpanel 2014  Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Individual Data DZHW PhD Panel 2014"  German link_off dsreport-phd2014-ds1.pdf
Datensatzreport: Episodendatensatz Promoviertenpanel 2014  Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Spell Data DZHW PhD Panel 2014"  German link_off dsreport-phd2014-ds2.pdf

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