DZHW Graduate Panel 2005
Study Series:
Sponsored by:
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project Contributors:
Survey Design:
Survey Data Type:
Data available in:
Data Curation:
Data Package Description
The DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 is part of the DZHW Graduate Survey Series, which compiles information on study, career entry, career development and further qualifications of higher education graduates using standardised surveys. The first Graduate Panel was created in 1989. Since then, every fourth graduate year (cohort) has been surveyed. For each graduate cohort, a series of survey waves are carried out, with each wave occurring at differing time intervals following the completion of degree. The DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 comprises the fifth graduate cohort of the survey series. In contrast to preceding graduate cohorts, the study phase of the 2005 cohort is defined by the transformation of higher education through the Bologna Process. With respect to this academic structural reform, a significant number of Bachelor graduates were surveyed for the first time in addition to graduates of traditional courses of study. Only graduates of subjects with a large number of graduates were considered. In addition to the changing academic environment, the graduate cohort 2005 also faced different labour market conditions than previous cohorts, whereby the beginning of the economic and financial crisis in 2008 marks their career entry.
Documents related to this Data Package
Data Package
Title | Description | Document Language | DOI | File |
Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent(inn)enkohorte 2005 (1., 2. und 3. Befragungswelle) | Data and Methods Report | German |
gra2005_MethodReport_de.pdf |
Data and Methods Report on the Graduate Panel 2005 (1st, 2nd and 3rd Survey Waves) | Data and Methods Report | English |
gra2005_MethodReport_en.pdf |
Übersicht zum DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2005 (1., 2. und 3. Befragungswelle) | Data Package Overview | German |
gra2005_Overview_de.pdf |
Overview of the DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (1st, 2nd and 3rd wave) | Data Package Overview | English |
gra2005_Overview_en.pdf |
Zitationsanleitung zum DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2005 (1., 2. und 3. Befragungswelle) / Citation Guideline of DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (1st, 2nd and 3rd wave) | Citation Guideline | English |
gra2005_CitationGuideline_de_en.pdf |
Release Notes | Description of changes since version 1.0.0 | English |
| |
Type | Description | Document Language | DOI | File |
Questionnaire | applied survey instrument | German |
gra2005_W1_Questionnaire_de.pdf |
Questionnaire | english translation of the german questionnaire | English |
gra2005_W1_Questionnaire_en.pdf |
Questionnaire | applied survey instrument | German |
gra2005_W2_Questionnaire_de.pdf |
Questionnaire | applied survey instrument | English |
gra2005_W2_Questionnaire_en.pdf |
Questionnaire | applied survey instrument | German |
gra2005_W3_Main_Questionnaire_de.pdf |
Questionnaire | english translation of the german questionnaire | English |
gra2005_W3_Main_Questionnaire_en.pdf |
Variable Questionnaire | mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set | German |
gra2005_W1_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf |
Variable Questionnaire | english translation of the german variable questionnaire | English |
gra2005_W1_VariableQuestionnaire_en.pdf |
Variable Questionnaire | mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set | German |
gra2005_W2_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf |
Variable Questionnaire | mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set | English |
gra2005_W2_VariableQuestionnaire_en.pdf |
Variable Questionnaire | mapping between questions of the survey instrument and variables of the data set | German |
gra2005_W3_Main_VariableQuestionnaire_de.pdf |
Question Flow | visualisation of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions | German |
gra2005_W1_QuestionFlow_de.pdf |
Question Flow | visualisation of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions | German |
gra2005_W2_QuestionFlow_de.pdf |
Question Flow | visualisation of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions | German |
gra2005_W3_Main_QuestionFlow_de.pdf |
Question Flow | visualisation of the survey procedures controlled by filter questions | English |
gra2005_W3_Main_QuestionFlow_en.pdf |
Other | projekteigene Referenzliste für Länder, aggr. Länder (angelehnt an NEPS, Anpassungen für Europa) und Weltregionen (Ausland) | German |
cl-dzhw-1.xlsx |
Other | projekteigene Codierliste für Studienabschlüsse | German |
cl-dzhw-2.xlsx |
Other | projekteigene Codierliste für Studienschwerpunkte (für wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fächer) | German |
cl-dzhw-3.xlsx |
Other | projekteigene Codierliste für berufliche Aufgabenbereiche | German |
cl-dzhw-4.xlsx |
Other | projekteigene Referenzliste für dreistellige Postleitzahlen und NUTS-2-Regionen | German |
cl-dzhw-5.xlsx |
Other | Destatis-Fächersystematik Wintersemester 2004/2005 | German |
cl-destatis-studienfach-2005.pdf |
Other | Hochschulen nach Destatis-Schlüsselverzeichnis für die Studenten- und Prüfungsstatistik (WiSe 2004/2005 und SoSe 2005) | German |
cl-destatis-hochschule-2005.pdf |
Other | Destatis-Schlüsselverzeichnis für die "Klassifizierung der Berufe (KldB)" von 1992 | German |
cl-destatis-kldb-1992.xls |
Other | Destatis-Bundeslandschlüssel, entsprechend der ersten beiden Ziffern des Amtlichen Gemeindeschlüssels (AGS) | German |
cl-destatis-bundesland-1990.xlsx |
Other | Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) des Statistischen Amt der Europäischen Union (Eurostat) von 2010 | German |
cl-eurostat-nuts-2010.xls |
Other | Vorversion des Destatis-Schlüsselverzeichnisses für den 5-Steller der "Klassifizierung der Berufe (KldB)" von 2010 | German |
cl-destatis-kldb-2010Vorversion.xlsx |
Other | Destatis-Schlüsselverzeichnis für die "Klassifizierung der Berufe (KldB)" von 2010 | German |
cl-destatis-kldb-2010.xls |
Other | documentation of the flag variable for parental leave | German |
gra2005_W3_Documentation_Flag-Variable_ParentalLeave_de.pdf |
Other | documentation of the flag variable for parental leave | English |
gra2005_W3_Documentation_Flag-Variable_ParentalLeave_en.pdf |
Other | documentation of comparison figure | German |
gra2005_W2-3_Documentation_ComparisonFigure_de.pdf |
Other | documentation of comparison figure | English |
gra2005_W2-3_Documentation_ComparisonFigure_en.pdf |
Other | Destatis-Staats- und Gebietssystematik von 2016 | German |
cl-destatis-ausland-2016.pdf |
Other | TERCET NUTS-postal codes matching tables 2010 | German |
cl-eurostat-deplznuts-2010.xlsx |
Data Sets
Title | Description | Document Language | DOI | File |
Datensatzreport: Personendatensatz DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2005 (Absolvent(inn)en traditioneller Studiengänge) | Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Individual data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (graduates of a traditional courses of study)" | German |
dsreport-gra2005-ds1.pdf |
Dataset Report: Individual data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (graduates of a traditional courses of study) | Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Individual data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (graduates of a traditional courses of study)" | English |
dsreport-gra2005-ds1_en.pdf |
Datensatzreport: Episodendatensatz DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2005 (Absolvent(inn)en traditioneller Studiengänge) | Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Spell data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (graduates of a traditional courses of study)" | German |
dsreport-gra2005-ds2.pdf |
Dataset Report: Spell data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (graduates of a traditional courses of study) | Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Spell data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (graduates of a traditional courses of study)" | English |
dsreport-gra2005-ds2_en.pdf |
Datensatzreport: Personendatensatz DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2005 (Bachelor) | Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Individual data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (Bachelor)" | German |
dsreport-gra2005-ds3.pdf |
Dataset Report: Individual data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (Bachelor) | Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Individual data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (Bachelor)" | English |
dsreport-gra2005-ds3_en.pdf |
Datensatzreport: Episodendatensatz DZHW-Absolventenpanel 2005 (Bachelor) | Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Spell data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (Bachelor)" | German |
dsreport-gra2005-ds4.pdf |
Dataset Report: Spell data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (Bachelor) | Codebook/Variable Report/Dataset Report of "Spell data DZHW Graduate Panel 2005 (Bachelor)" | English |
dsreport-gra2005-ds4_en.pdf |